Most Popular Questions

From experienced academic experts. In any field of study

Why were Bonanza farms developed and who owned them?

Bonanza, a rare luck, a sudden happiness, fell to those who became owners of fertile land in the Red River valley. This was the name given to the farms that flourished in this area at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The agrarian bonanza became a milestone in...

What is the contribution income statement?

The contribution income statement is an instrument that demonstrates whether a business has generated some revenue over a particular period of time. In other words, contribution income statements are used to measure the performance of a company by dealing with variable and fixed expenses. Explanation: To begin with, one should...

What was the amazing opportunity afforded to Legendary Entertainment, a standalone, independent movie company? What were some of the amazing growth opportunities being considered on a global basis?

Thanks to the Chinese investment group Dalian Wanda, which bought Legendary Entertainment for $3.5 billion and combined its film development capabilities with Wanda Film Holdings. Legendary Entertainment has become one of the most profitable and famous companies in the world. Through this collaboration, LE was able to distribute its films...

How does Kuhn’s philosophy differ from Popper’s philosophy?

Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn were the most dominant philosophers of science in the twentieth century. Piggott shows that both Popper and Kuhn are often referenced in academic works, and their viewpoints remain valuable to researchers. Whereas Sir Karl Popper was studied logic and the scientific method, Kuhn worked in...

Discuss the benefits and risks to both mother and fetus in regard to AROM.

AROM is an intentional act of breaking the membranes around the fetus to speed up labor, which allows the fetal status observance and assessment of the amniotic fluid. Amniotomy, or AROM, has a long history of a practice that has been widely utilized by midwives and obstetricians around the world....

Why don’t companies seek full partnerships with all of their suppliers?

Companies could refrain from seeking full partnerships with suppliers for several reasons. One of them is that doing so would complicate the firm’s activities. Therefore, such companies may choose to seek partial partnerships because they want to maintain the simplicity of their operations. Secondly, organizations may choose to seek partial...

Discuss the differences between literary and academic history writing. What problems do academic historians have with popular historians’ writing and presentation of history? Do you agree with their critiques? Do you think a balance can be struck between the literary style of popular history and the standards and conventions of academic history?

Both academic and popular historians make a considerable contribution to the development of people’s interest in history. However, the approaches employed by each of the two groups of researchers are quite dissimilar. Academic authors investigating and writing about historical events need to base their works on certain practices and conventions....

Why do you think foreign firms have been exiting Indonesia in recent years? What are the implications for the country? What is required to reverse this trend?

There are various factors that have been attributed to the drop in the stock of foreign investment in Indonesia including the country’s corruption where companies have been forced to make deductions for bribery in corporate dealings hence reduces the net profits. The poor infrastructure including roads, buildings, electricity etc discourages...

Why are the spinal nerves mixed nerves?

Spinal nerves are called mixed nerves because they are comprised of both dorsal and ventral roots and carry the motor, sensory, and autonomic signals to and from the body.

Define the term business regulation.

Regulation implies the control of the business operations by an authorized body to ensure that businesses observe the required set standards to protect consumers and the environment among others. Mostly regulations are implemented to ensure high standards of carrying out business operations are less risky. To meet these regulations requires...

Identify and give the historical significance of the Lowell System.

During the textile industry ride in the United States, the Lowell System was created as a model of labor and production. Francis Cabot Lowell in Massachusetts invented the model. He pursued the goal of creating a system that would be more efficient with the guidelines of education, morals, and work...

Discuss the five steps involved in performing an IFE Matrix.

“Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) matrix is a strategic management tool for auditing or evaluating major strengths and weaknesses in functional areas of a business.” The five steps involved in performing an IFE Matrix are: Record the important inner factors as recognized in the interior review procedure and divide them to...

The character of the King in The King and I is often considered to be an American stereotype of Asian males. In what ways does the King fit the stereotype of Asian males that Hollywood perpetuated from the earliest days of film? In what ways is the King different from these stereotypes? What is your own view of the King’s character?

The musical ‘King and I’ is considered to be a romantic story covering the issues of British Imperialism promotion in Asia. It is necessary to underline the fact that the themes of the musical are concentrated on the illustration of Asian males’ stereotype through the characters and central themes. The...

What do you think is the most pressing social problem facing America throughout the term of the last five presidents and today? What is the role of the government in the process of dealing with the social problems of their time on the micro and macro levels?

One of the most pressing social problems facing America throughout the term of the last five presidents and today is an extreme level of bipartisanship and political polarization. It affects all citizens and leads to a high level of societal stress and anxiety. The role of the government is to...

What does bipolar, bitemperate, antitropical, tropical, and cosmopolitan distribution mean? What is an example of an extant species or genus with antitropical distribution? Plot its distribution on a map. Is there a mechanism for dispersal that may account for the distribution pattern observed?

There are three main types of species distribution in relation to zones which are the antitropical (bipolar or bitemperate) distribution, tropical distribution, and cosmopolitan distribution. Antitropical distribution is discussed when species are present in “temperate or polar environments in both the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres”, but these species are...

Write an eight-sentence paragraph that fully develops the topic “Advances in technology are making people less social.”

Many psychologists highlight that advances in technology are making people less social. There is no doubt that technologies solve numerous everyday problems. However, using them in the wrong way is dangerous for our social connections. People forget what face-to-face interactions mean and lose skills of communication in person. Avoiding ‘real’...

Compare and Contrast Paths to Recovery

Compare and contrast the paths to recovery in the book GIMP: When Life Deals You a Crappy Hand, You Can Fold – or You Can Play. Briefly summarize the story and path to recovery for each main character: Mark Zupan and Chris Igoe. Compare (similarities) and contrast (differences) their paths...

Explain the selection strategies of “selecting in” and “selecting out” applicants to police departments. What are the pros and cons of each strategy?

Evaluation methods may either “select out” candidates, that is, find defects in a candidate that exclude him or her from a position, or “select in” candidates, uncover favorable traits in an application that make him or her an appealing prospect. Given the fast changes in community needs and demography, it...

What are expressed powers of Congress?

The main United States legislature has two types of authority. These include the expressed and implied powers of Сongress.Article I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution, provides a list of subjects of exclusive jurisdiction that fall within the expressed powers of the Congress. All other items of authority (residual powers)...

What was the XYZ Affair?

The XYZ Affair refers to a diplomatic incident between France and the United States in 1797-1798. Later it led to the undeclared war known as the Quasi-War between the U.S. and Republican France. Peace was restored with the Convention of 1800, also known as the Treaty of Mortefontaine. Explanation: The...

What is the backstory of Bosque Redondo memorial?

Bosque Redondo memorial commemorates the victims of prosecutions and imprisonments by U.S. Military happening from 1863 to 1868. Explanation: When Americans and Mexicans colonized the land of New Mexico, they suffered from raids from Navajo tribes. The Indian tribes fought in order to reclaim their homeland and to collect resources...

Describe the differences in Anyon’s study between the working, middle, affluent professional, and elite schools? What does each prepare graduate for? Which aligns most with your education?

Jean Anyon provides useful insights concerning the nature of education that children in diverse societies receive. From the observation of Anyon, the economic state of a particular community is integral in shaping the kind of knowledge that trainers instill in students. To coin her argument, Jean categorizes these classes as...

How do taxes influence the efficiency of resource use? How much does it cost for the government to raise an additional dollar (or $1 billion) of tax revenue?

Taxes adversely influence the efficiency of resource use since their collection is costly. A large number of human resources, including lawyers, accountants, and bookkeepers, is required for the collection process. More than 6.5 billion hours are spent by these individuals to ensure the tax-compliance process. The majority of US families...

In what ways does Michael Agar’s “Culture Blends” article connect to, contradict, and/or build upon an earlier reading from the course of interpersonal communication?

The study of facework influences examined the ability or inability to resolve conflicts in relationships based on certain trends and self-perceptions. Ting-Toomey, for example, proposed a face-negotiation theory, which “helps to direct one’s attention to the cultural blind spots in facework miscommunication and acts as a useful training tool in...

Explain the principle of substance over form and how this limits the practice of creative accounting. For each of the following areas of accounting describe an example of the application of substance over form: a. Deferred tax; b. Preference shares; c. Inventory.

Substance over form is the concept which means that transactions recorded in financial statements must reflect their economic substance. Contrary to the legal form of transactions, a financial statement should show the financial reality of an organisation and not hide the true intent of a transaction. The incidence of creative...

Several candidates for President in 2016 have contacted you. They want to know one thing: In light of post-World War II economic, political, population and social developments can either a Democratic or Republican candidate for President in the year 2016 win BOTH the states of Texas and California?

In recent years, the voters in Texas have mainly supported Republican candidates, and citizens in California have supported Democrats. However, in light of certain political, economic, demographic, and social changes associated with the post-World War II era, the situation could potentially change in the years following 2016. Thus, under certain...

What does Kant mean by “Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind?” Do you agree that at least some of your perceptions are conceptualized?

Kant’s words acknowledge a necessity for categorization to perceive information from our senses successfully. Our intuition allows us to retrieve previously categorized information from our memory. If both our ability to categorize and retrieve categorized information were to be absent, people would fail to learn anything at all. Therefore, I...

How can Locus of Control influence health outcome?

Weiner’s attribution theory is mainly about achievement, and the most important factors affecting attributions are ability, effort, task difficulty, and luck. Attribution Theory assumes that people try to determine why they do what they do to interpret causes to an event or behavior. Attribution is a three-stage process involving: Behavior...

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a low-achievement model of classification and identification of learning disabilities?

Low-achievement (LA) methods are the alternative to the abovementioned problematic cognitive discrepancy methods. An LA method does not focus on the person’s level of cognitive functioning but instead concentrates on the achievement side (for instance, on reading). There are particular strengths and weaknesses of the method that will be presented...

What should Jack Greenberg do to grow sales, profits, and market share at McDonald’s?

There are two main strategies that Jack Greenberg should focus on to improve the company’s financial performance. The first one is improving McDonald’s public image which presents quite a challenge as customers’ attitude toward fast food, in general, is deteriorating. The company should ensure transparency at every stage of its...

Japanese corporations typically involve many more organizational levels and people in the development of implementation plans than do United States corporations. Discuss how this affects the implementation process. Do you consider this an advantage or a detriment to the success of the implementation of the strategy? Justify your answer based on your experiences in Vietnam. Also, how does this information relate to China as it is becoming more powerful than Japan?

Strategy implementation is dependant on the profile of the management.“Implementing strategy is challenging for many organizations, yet it remains under-researched.” The bigger the organizational levels, the larger will be the complexity of human perceptions and behaviors towards the strategy implementation; thereby limiting the flexibility in implementation. Also, those having a...

What characteristics made Vic Ahmed a successful entrepreneur? How did their Ahmed and Steven Case’s partnership and shared vision of “Rise of the Rest” serve their business goals? Is focusing on smaller cities rather than areas like silicon valley a good strategy, why?

Considering the number of different startups in which Vic Ahmed was involved, he is distinguished by such qualities as creativity and courage. The activities of his startup for startups, Innovation Pavilion, also demonstrate that the entrepreneur understands the importance of training, support, continuous development, expansion, and partnerships. Steve Case also...

What is a project? What is project management? What is a project driver?

A project is an assignment or activity that an individual or an organization needs to realize at a specific time. In other words, it describes a definite set of actions intended to achieve a particular goal. Project management consists of the important steps in a program that an individual or...

Define net operating working capital.

Net operating working capital (NOWC) is a company’s liquidity or ability to pay off all its operational noninterest-bearing liabilities. It is calculated by subtracting operating liabilities from all the company’s assets. Explanation: Net operating working capital is all the company’s resources used in daily business processes. The formula of net...

What is the primary reason to issue stock?

The key reason why companies issue stocks is to raise funds needed for a variety of goals, including development and expansion. Explanation: Issuing shares in a company on a stock market can be a significant opportunity for businesses that need money to invest in the development of new products, build...

What’s the background of Iconoclastic controversy?

Iconoclastic controversy is a dispute over the use of religious images (icons) in the Byzantine Empire in the 8th and 9th centuries. The Iconoclasts (those who rejected images) objected to icon veneration; the defenders of the use of icons insisted on the symbolic nature of images and the dignity of...

What is a behaviorally anchored rating scale?

A behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) is a scale that estimates the behavior of employees in various situations from the most desirable to unacceptable. In cases where it is necessary to assess the compliance of employees’ behavior with the established norms and standards adopted in the company, the BARS method...

What are NAFTA pros and cons?

NAFTA reduced tariffs, increased economic output, created job positions, subsequently lowered prices, supported government spending, and encouraged foreign direct investments. However, NAFTA had a substantial negative impact on the agricultural sector and the environment of Mexico. Explanation: The North American Free Trade Agreement established the biggest free trade area in...

The President of your company just had market value of the corporate headquarters appraised at $10M; however, the value of the property in the firm’s financial statements is $5M, consisting of the historical cost at the time of purchase of $7M, less accumulated depreciation on the building of $2M. She wants to know why accounting principles do not allow headquarters to be presented at market value in the financial statements. What would your accountant say?

The accountant would say that under the generally accepted accounting principles, historical cost is the commonly preferred measurement alternative for assets. Such a rule stems from the principle of reliability which, in this particular case, is chosen instead of the principle of relevance. Even though the recording of the asset’s...

What can be done to motivate companies to evaluate training programs? Do healthcare organizations evaluate their training programs? If so, how effective are the evaluations?

In recent years, companies have been investing a growing amount of money in training programs as they help them to gain competitive advantages. Both development and training programs aim to teach trainees how to become specialists and provide service and operational activities of the best quality possible. Professional personnel enhance...

In Asch’s conformity experiment, what situational factors affect conformity?

Experiment by Asch aimed to determine whether an individual would stick to their opinion or accept the position of the whole group (succumb to its pressure) if their opinion did not coincide with the group’s opinion. A large percentage of the participants showed conformity in their behaviour. They adopted this...

Define the term “Operational Definition” in your own words. Give one example.

The operational definition can be defined as the demonstration either from an object, a term, or any given variable. In this case, a set of validation tests are normally done so that they can determine the quantity or pretense of the demonstration. For example; you can distinguish an object from...

Plate tectonics is an important explanatory tool for understanding the shape of continents. Discuss the basic engine that moves the large continental systems, and diagram the crustal dynamics of convergence, divergence and hot spots with characteristic landform for each of these.

The large-scale movement in Earth’s Lithosphere is called “Plate tectonics.” The continental drift concept is one of the basic ideas in the development of the case. It is a very important concept for understanding the shapes of the continents. The Earth is made up of plates like the pieces of...

Analyze “The Railway Children” by Seamus Heaney

Read “The Railway Children” by Seamus Heaney and analyze it. Read Ezra Pound’s “The Garden”. Make a claim, either for or against the idea that “The Railway Children” is an Imagist poem. What is the relation of “The Railway Children” to Pound’s or Lowell’s manifestos of Imagism? Compare the theme...

Discussion Thread: Preaching Legacy

How does each preacher relate to one of the aspects of any of the first six steps of McDill’s model? After reading about the legacy of four different preachers, identify how each of these preachers relates to one of the aspects of any of the first six steps of McDill’s...

What role does values, attitudes, and diversity play at Gusto 54? Do you consider the values, attitudes, and diversity to be a strength or weakness at Gusto 54?

Values, attitudes, and diversity play a vital role at Gusto 54 as they constitute one of the company’s strengths. The implementation of the family values in the group’s culture resulted in improved performance and remarkable success. The main idea was to promote a friendly treatment of all team members as...

The Impact of Customer Service on Customer Purchase Intention and Customer Retention

Show the Impact of Customer Service on Customer Purchase Intention and Customer Retention. Is a potential client’s choice significantly influenced by customer service? Should customer service improvement be considered when developing sales strategies? Is it crucial to customer retention? Examine how customer service frequently interacts with a customer before the...

Provide the states rights definition.

States’ rights are the powers granted to states by the Constitution of the United States. They include all the rights, which do not belong to the federal government. Explanation: The concept of states’ rights in American history refers to the powers, which only states can possess. The Constitution of the...

What was the difference between Lee and Davis?

Lee and Davis have been described as the best leaders of the Confederate side. The two were, however, very different in terms of strategy and deployment. Whereas Lee was calculating and liked open communication, Davis has been described as dictatorial. Lee would often take time to understand his opponents, the...

The response of Texas to the regulations of Federal Regulatory Agencies

Several requirements are placed by the Federal Regulatory Agencies. In particular, the management of hazardous waste is regulated in the RCRA. This legal act implies that the Environmental Protection Agency has the authority to regulate the management of hazardous waste at various stages of the production process, such as the...

How do asymmetries propel disruptive entrants? Provide an example of this occurring.

One of the illustrations of asymmetries’ propelling innovation is the emergence of air taxis. People are often frustrated to commute from large hubs to their destinations. Large airlines are unwilling to provide the services that could satisfy these needs. Air taxis are a popular alternative for many customers. These companies...

Do your interactions with social networks and social media increase or decrease your diversity consciousness? Explain.

I am sure that my diversity consciousness benefits from the growing importance of social networks and media. The fact is that they foster cross-cultural collaboration by providing representatives of various classes, genders, viewers, and mentalities to share their perspectives on particular issues or demonstrate some unusual peculiarities of culture. Via...

How would a personal belief in determinism affect your view of crime and punishment? Do you think that people are generally responsible for their crimes, or are they not responsible due to deterministic forces beyond their control?

My personal belief in determinism would not affect my view of crime and punishment. It is important to mention that I do believe that a certain degree of determinism may be observed in human lives, but it is always accompanied by free will. When a person commits a crime, they...

What are the contraindications for TNKase (tenecteplase)?

TNKase should not be used by patients with internal bleeding, uncontrolled hypertension, known cerebrovascular accidents or bleeding diathesis, arteriovenous malformations, aneurysm, intracranial neoplasm, or recent history of intracranial and intraspinal surgery.

How do researchers determine reliability in a study? Describe the major types of each.

Reliability of methods is a major concern of researchers, as the parameter describes whether the same answer can be obtained by using an instrument more than once. Generally speaking, research reliability is the degree to which research method produces stable and consistent results. Reliability can be tested using various techniques....

Compare and contrast intrapersonal skills with interpersonal skills.

Leaders are expected to have both intra and inter personal skills. Intrapersonal skills are domain of psychoanalysis (Hogan and Warrenfeltz). Intrapersonal skills develop early and have important consequences for career development in adulthood. This domain seems to have three natural components. The first can be described as core self-esteem (Judge,...

Identify the major schools of thought in psychology and examine their major underlying assumptions.

Among the earliest schools of thought in psychology were structuralism and functionalism. Structuralism, developed by Edward Titchener, attempted to use introspection to uncover the basic elements of consciousness and the way they combine with one another into ideas (that is, the structure of consciousness). Functionalism looked for explanations of psychological processes in their role, or function,...

Discuss what such brands as Coca-Cola, Disney, Starbucks, American Express, and Ford capture in the customer’s mind? What questions do these brands answer? Why are these effective brands?

The mentioned brands, Coca-Cola, Starbucks, Disney, American Express, and Ford, answer the question of quality. Every time a customer comes across them, they become aware that they are buying quality products. This has made the brands stand out even in a market that is full of substitutes. Why are these...

Discuss the concept of vulnerability in disaster research. In your discussion you should contrast the “vulnerability paradigm” with the “traditional paradigm” of disaster research.

The concept of disaster vulnerability can be understood by exploring the two prevailing paradigms of the disaster which include the dominant and the vulnerability paradigms. About the dominant paradigm, the cause of the catastrophe is primarily a natural agent; therefore, this paradigm views the physical world as an external force...

Where is a governmental policy formulated in Britain and at what level?

In Britain laws are adopted in Parliament at Westminster as it is the highest body of legislative power in the country. In recent years the tendency has been established for the European Union’s impact on law adaption in Britain, but this tendency is still not enough powerful to take it...

What are some of the cultural elements PSI included in its condom marketing campaign? Would the same cultural elements PSI adopted be effective in your country or another country you are familiar with?

PSI adopted a number of cultural elements in its marketing of condoms in Burma. The top element was the usage of Burmese language in the naming and adverting of condoms. This not only made the people easily understand what was being said about the product but also brought in a...

What is the difference between identifying children as dual-language learners and identifying them as English-language learners? Why is this important? Which approach do you think is more effective? How will you support all children?

Identifying children as dual-language learners and English-language learners is crucial for their education. Dual-language learners are those for whom English is a second language. Because of this, it may be difficult for them to understand a teacher’s instructions and socialize with their peers. To better incorporate them into the classroom,...

Discuss what you see as the differences between spiritual and moral courage in definition and application. Use journal examples to illustrate how these two types of courage differ. You may refer to your notes and scenes from the film as well as your spiritual courage journal entries to discuss these differences.

There are several types of courage, and in many cases, courageous acts require more than one type of courage from an individual. Moral courage, in its definition, means a strong commitment to ethics and a certain level of integrity. The application of moral courage is presented by an individual’s determination...

What is the Eisenhower Doctrine definition?

The Eisenhower Doctrine outlines that any Middle East country had the right to ask for the American economic support, as well as the assistance of the military in case of feeling threatened by other states. Explanation: The Doctrine was adopted in 1957 when Dwight D. Eisenhower was the President of...

What Does the Yellow Paper Symbolize?

The yellow wallpaper is a collective symbol. It represents different aspects of the time the author wrote the story. It concerns the oppressive social standards of patriarchy and women’s inability to claim their voice. Yellow wallpaper shows their burning desire to obtain autonomy and respect. More Information It is essential...

Describe how information systems transforming business and what their relationship is to globalization.

According to Mohapatra, information systems comprise an incorporated set of components used in the collection, storage, and processing of data and utilized in the delivery of information, knowledge, and digital goods. He further states that businesses depend on information systems to perform and manage their routine operations, interaction with clients...

In Elaine Scarry’s “The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World,” what are the political consequences of “the language of agency”? In what ways is the problem of pain bound up with the problem of power?

The language of agency that Scarry discusses on page 13 is meant to eliminate pain by those who experience it or those speaking on behalf of those experiencing pain. The political consequence of the agency’s language is that it is used to pacify those that have been affected by war....

For the following claims, write one paragraph identifying the logical flaw: If mutual fund guru Peter Lynch recommends this investment, I think we ought to buy it.

The described statement might seem valid in some circumstances, yet, when considered through the lens of logical argumentation, it becomes evident that the statement contains a logical fallacy. Specifically, the use of the ad hominem claim makes a claim logically unsound. By appealing to a single person as an authority,...