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Aspects of the Research Procedure

Describe the research procedure, starting with how you will gain approval from the institution for conducting research on its grounds, obtaining IRB approval, and soliciting participants. To answer this question, discuss the aspects of informing participants in an informed consent letter of how their identity and data will be protected,...

The Solar System, Planets and Stars

Discuss the Solar System, planets, and stars. What is the gravity center of the entire Solar System? What is the closest planet to the Sun and the most elongated orbital rotation around the Sun? Which planet has a dense, cloudy atmosphere of carbon dioxide? On which planet are lithospheric plates...

Coffee Culture: U.S. Food and Drug Administration Article Critique

Make a critique of the article “Coffee Culture.” What are the strengths of the paper? Identify the things that worked well for you as a reader. Paraphrase or quote the author’s thesis. Is it stated at the end of the introductory paragraph? If not, where in the essay is it...

Characteristics of Galaxies: Spiral, Elliptical, Irregular

Analyze characteristics of galaxies. Describe two to four characteristics of the three major types of galaxies. Compare and Contrast the size, composition, structure, and history of at least two specific galaxies. Describe how the characteristics of these galaxies contributed to the Hubble sequence. Consider the validity of the Hubble Sequence...

Threats to Internal and External Validity in Quantitative Research

Consider threats to internal and external validity in quantitative research and the strategies used to mitigate these threats. Consider the ethical implications of designing quantitative research. Post an explanation of a threat to internal validity and a threat to external validity in quantitative research. Next, explain a strategy to mitigate...

Experimental vs. Nonexperimental Research Design

Describe the differences between an experimental, a quasi-experimental and a nonexperimental research design. Make sure to include a detailed description demonstrating your understanding of these differences. Identify and describe two types of experimental, two types of quasi-experimental, and two types of non-experimental research designs making sure to include the benefits...

A Unique and Feasible Sport-for-Development Initiative

Create a unique and feasible Sport-for-Development initiative that aligns with the iSPORT Foundation. Present a brief outline confirming the purpose of the document and the content that will follow. Present a clear overview of your proposed sport-based initiative (i.e., what does it involve?). Confirm three key Sport-for-Development Goals (these should...

Arguments About Why We Crave Basketball

Provide your arguments about why we crave basketball. To answer this question, include specific examples to illustrate your points. You are not required to include outside research. However, if you do, be sure to include in-text citations and a Works Cited page that follows MLA Guidelines.

Two Forms of Fishing Among the Trobriand Islanders

What are the two forms of fishing among the Trobriand Islanders, and why is it magically associated with one and not the other? What three essential baseball activities are or are not associated with magical rituals? Why? Describe the importance of baseball to baseball players and the use of magic...

Infographics: Visual Information Processing

Discuss the key points of visual information processing. Analyze typical perceptions of this infographic and require changes. What is the role of alternating colors? What makes the perception of infographics uncomfortable? Which aspect prevents a person from concentrating on essential information? Which detail significantly disrupts perception? What to pay attention...

Improving the Process: Washing the Dish

Plan to identify the everyday process in order to compile data which can then be presented in the final assignment. Submit the required content to include the date and flowchart in one final document. Please be sure to consider a process that you would perform daily, can be measured, and...

The Speech of Steve Jobs

Discuss the speech of Steve Jobs. Who is the speaker on the viewed speech? What is the theme presented in the speech? What was the context of the speech? What was the purpose of the speaker? Did the speaker achieve his purpose? What was your initial reaction while listening to...

Tips for Writing a Successful Professional Email

Provide some tips and tricks for writing a successful and meaningful professional email. Start with the importance of a meaningful subject line. Discuss how to address them appropriately. How to keep the email concise and to the point? Provide the tools to make it easy to read. Could the person...

How Studies Become Famous Before They Are Verified

Review a few resources on how studies can become famous before they are verified. Reflect on how this can happen and why it might be a problem: First, read Why We Should Care? by Amy Blackstone at the FlatWorld resource. Then, take note of the main points from The Media...

The Principle of Specificity to Sports Preparation

Discuss the principle of specificity to athletics or sports preparation, personal fitness training, and rehabilitation. Provide a concrete example of the principle of specificity to athletics or sports preparation, personal fitness training, and rehabilitation. Choose two exercises explaining the background, pros and cons, and why this exercise meets the goals....

The Differences Between Descriptive, Inferential, and Multivariate Statistics

Provide a brief summary and explain what the differences are between descriptive, inferential, and multivariate statistics and give examples of each. Describe the differences between descriptive, inferential, and multivariate statistics. Describe two types of tests used in descriptive and two types of tests used in inferential statistics and two types...

The Quality of Qualitative Research and Their Philosophical Orientations

Explain two criteria for evaluating the quality of qualitative research designs and consider the connection of such criteria to philosophical orientations. Explain how the two criteria for evaluating the quality of qualitative research designs are tied to epistemological and ontological assumptions underlying philosophical orientations and the standards of your discipline....

A Story of Mallory Weggemann, a Paralympic Gold-Medalist

How can the story of Mallory Weggemann, a Paralympic gold-medalist, world champion swimmer, ESPY winner, and NBC Sports commentator, encourage you to meet any challenge in life? On January 21, 2008, a routine medical procedure left Mallory paralyzed from her waist down. Less than two years later, Mallory had broken...

USA Political News Article

Choose and analyze a U.S. political news article found on the website RealClearPolitics. To answer this question, summarize the most important information from the article in your own words. Pick a news article on a U.S. political issue not older than seven days from the day you answered this question....

Mission Command and Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan

Discuss mission command: Command and control of Army Forces and Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan. Using the six principles of mission command, appraise and compare Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan. Assess the implications of Operation Anaconda for command structures for future joint expeditionary operations and tactical battles. Examine the challenge of generating...

Presenting Arguments on Ethical Issues in Sports

Discuss a topic from one of the ethical issues in sports. You must decide which side of the issue you support and build a presentation convincing me why the side you have chosen is correct. Present both sides of the issue and refute the side of the issue that you...

How to Promote Kickball in the United States

How would you promote a new sport of kickball in the United States? In some places, the sport is played there nationally, state against state, school against school and they even have various clubs there. It is also played in college. Only girls can play this game. It has its...

Bicycle Infrastructure, Facilities, or Advocacy

Analyze a focused aspect of bicycle infrastructure, facilities, or advocacy. You should investigate the background and context of your issue and identify generally accepted best practices for planning and implementation purposes. Use your own analysis, reasoning, and critical thinking for the topic. One example of a topic could be arguing...

2015 Tunis Bombings and Response of Authorities

Provide a detailed description of the 2015 Tunis Bombings. Provide a general description of the event, its operational environment, attacker, explosive device, chronological description of the attack, and the response by the state authorities. Evaluate the types of responses available to protect surface transportation and the consequences for the government,...

How to Summarize a Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Find a scholarly, peer-reviewed, professional journal article in your field of study and summarize it. Describe the problems the authors were investigating. Briefly outline the procedures followed in the paper (what, how, etc.). State which statistical tests were used in the study. Report results and conclusions were drawn by the...

Correlations Between Wealth and Zodiac Sign

Conduct a study to establish possible correlations between wealth, power, and prominence on the one hand and the Zodiac sign on the other. Every year, Hurun Report, a Shanghai-based luxury-publishing group, releases its list of China’s wealthiest people. With its intricate cross-referencing of information, the list offers a few intriguing...

Justifying War: Proportion of the Good and Harm

Hurka argues that a state may only go to war if the good to be achieved by the war is proportional to the harm done by war but that not all goods and not all harms count in determining whether the war is justified. Explain and assess his argument. To...

Origins and History of Pizza

Discuss some history of the pizza (i.e., when it was first used and where, why it emerged as a portion of processed food, or other interesting facts). Present the composition of the food in percentages of the micronutrients. The nutrition evaluation should highlight the micronutrients that are present in the...

The Proper Stretching Technique on the Lower Extremity

Describe how to perform the proper stretching technique on the lower extremity. Describe the aspects of the activity and provide the ways in which the technique will be rated. Include all the safe ways of stretching techniques that you know. Discuss what outcomes can be if not perform proper stretching...

Human Energy Consumption and Water Power

Discuss human energy consumption and water power. Environmental problems and energy are closely related topics in that consuming energy without a significant impact on the surroundings is impossible. Mention humans primarily consume energy for various purposes. Mention the influence of automotive and agricultural machinery. Is human energy being used significantly...

What Is Gastronomy? Discussing Food, Self, and Identity

Reflect on your understanding of ‘what is gastronomy?’. Clearly identify independent topics which underpin the broad study of gastronomy. Think in terms of personal interest or a topic you would like to study further. How would you write an annotated bibliography that includes an in-depth evaluation of the literature sources...

Bio-Pyramid: Procedures for the Instructional Plan

Choose a biography of a person who is represented in your discipline and create an Instructional Plan to teach about the famous person using the IP Template. To answer the question, choose one B.E.S.T. standard that you think corresponds with what you are doing with this activity (choose your grade...

Osama bin Laden’s Raid: Terrorism and Counterterrorism

Discuss Osama bin Laden’s Raid. Mention US President Barack Obama’s efforts to hunt and capture Osama bin Laden. What were these efforts related to? Point out the hijacking of American planes that killed about 3000 people and even those targeting foreign U.S. embassies. Is bin Laden’s death a hypocritical revenge...

Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan and Mission Command Principles

Discuss operation Anaconda in Afghanistan. Also, describe what Operation Anaconda was in Afghanistan, who participated in it, and what happened during this operation Anaconda. In your discussion, show how it was important to use three relevant Mission Command Principles: shared understanding, risk acceptance, and competence. Provide evidence and examples to...

The Role of Alternative Crops in the World’s Food Supply

What is the value of alternative crops to the world’s food supply? What is an alternative crop? How much of the world’s food is agriculture? Why are alternative crops important to the world’s food supply? What characteristics do you think are essential to consider in the search for alternative crops?...

The Issue of the Scientific Studies’ Reliability

Why are so many scientific studies often wrong? What measures do you think the scientific community can take to ensure that peer-reviewed publications are more replicable and reliable? Name a popular peer-reviewed publication that was later refuted, yet is still frequently cited and heavily debated today. Provide a brief summary...

The Basics of Mixed Methods Research Designs

Explore the basics of mixed methods research designs. To what extent is mixed methods research simply taking a quantitative design and a qualitative design and putting them together? Explain the types of research questions best served by mixed methods research. Then, explain one strength and one limitation of mixed methods...

Aspects of Progressiveness of Science

Is science progressive, or does it simply change over time with no discernible improvement? Present the views of Lakatos and Kuhn concerning this issue. To answer this question, attempt to determine whether scientific change is rationally appraisable. Another way of looking at this issue is to ask whether science admits...

Traditional Representationalist Account of Language

Compare a traditional representationalist account of language with Robert Brandom’s notion of language being composed of “giving and asking for reasons.” Compare a traditional representationalist account of language with Robert Brandom’s notion of language being composed of games of “giving and asking for reasons.” Explain how an inferentialist approach to...

University of Maryland Global Campus eSports

Discuss about your interesting in joining the University of Maryland Global Campus eSports team and its important aspects. You are interested in joining the UMGC eSports team. What gaming consoles and controllers would you need? What are the specs for a new gaming PC? Is there any additional hardware needed?

Worldview of Eternity in Ancient Judeo-Christian and Greek

Note radical differences between a worldview of the eternal/divine in ancient Judeo-Christian/Levant tradition and the Greeks. How is the relation between humans and God presented in Old Testament contexts, and what can we surmise from the divergent symbolism appreciable in such non-Greek literature? How is the Hebrew God different from...

Describe at least two data analysis procedures that can be used with single-subject designs and explain how these analyses are used to assess treatment effectiveness.

Visual Analysis Single case design data are presented through graphs because it allows for more than one participant’s engagement in the study. Visual research involves evaluating the data’s levels, trends, and stability within each phase, followed by examining data consistency through pattern analysis and overlapping events at specific time points....

What led to the incident of Flint Water Crisis?

The main cause that led to the incident was the switching from the water supply provided by the Detroit Water and Sewage Department to the services of the Flint Water Service Center. The latter plant was not fully operational since 1967 and served mainly as an alternative water source in...

Were there any obligations that were not properly fulfilled in Flint Water Crisis?

However, all three levels failed to fulfill their obligations which aggravated the impact of the incident. Firstly, as mentioned before, the plant could not control water lead levels and conduct disinfection measures. Secondly, it is known that certain individuals from MDEQ and MDHHS were accused of fabricating the water analysis...

How does the hearing of the U.N. report on the climate crisis affect you, your values, your sense of the world and its future? What human beliefs or values today will more likely prevent needed changes in our way of life, methods of production, or government policies? And what beliefs or values will more likely lead to the kind of changes needed to address the climate crisis?

Climate change has turned out to be the defining crisis of our time. The hearing from the United Nations report clarifies that no corner of the globe is immune from the dire consequences of climate change, as devastating impacts are already being felt across different regions. The climate crisis and...

Explain what qualitative research is – what kind of insights it is designed to uncover and how it is most often conducted.

It should be noted that qualitative research is designed to uncover non-numerical insights and is conducted by providing freedom of expression for the subjects by using specific tools, such as open-ended questions. It observes and explores subjective perceptions, thoughts, and feelings of participants about something of interest, which provides a...

Explain what quantitative research is – what kind of insights it is designed to uncover and how it is most often conducted.

Quantitative research focuses on assessment, analysis, evaluation, and collection of numerical data. It often uses mathematical frameworks, such as statistics, to draw highly objective insights by collecting data with fixed responses. It is often conducted through surveys and questionnaires with close-ended questions but can also use already available data, such...

Describe some of the projective techniques that a researcher uses to encourage research participants to explain their true feelings and opinions. Which do you think would be most effective and why?

Sentence completion tests/word association tests are highly effective projective techniques because they can provide a set of words or allow a participant to provide his or her own answer. It is effective because it is less ambiguous and time-consuming than mood boards, which require more resources and observation time from...

How did the tsunami cause the Japan’s nuclear meltdown? Why did the safety measures at the nuclear reactor fail? What is specifically dangerous about a nuclear meltdown? What concerned Japanese officials most? What measures did the plant administrators and government officials take in response to the meltdown? How effective were these measures?

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex experienced a crisis after a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami occurred in Japan in 2011. The documentary by Edge (2012) explored how the tsunami led to the nuclear meltdown. The witnesses, such as fishermen at the coast, reported that an earthquake would always be followed by...

List each of the “Big Five” personality dimensions. Of the “Big Five,” list the three that you feel are the most important to be a strong sales representative. Support your decision by providing adequate explanation and rationale for why you believe those three dimensions are most important.

The “Big Five” personality dimensions are neuroticism, conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness, and extraversion. The three most important traits for a sales representative are extraversion, openness, and conscientiousness. Extraversion is a critical aspect of sales because being able to initiate conversations and communicate with customers. It is important to note that extroverts...

In the context of strategy formulation, the questions of feasibility, acceptability, and suitability are really questions about the validity of a given strategy. In your own words, briefly define the concepts of feasibility, acceptability, and suitability.

Feasibility  The feasible course of action accomplishes a mission with the specified space, time, and limited resources. A viable plan must be practicable and fitting to a specified situation. The activities have to be within the available and obtainable assets. The act should be reasonable regarding time and logic. A...

Briefly describe the elements of intervention research.

Considering the elements of intervention research, the stages of the intervention design should be considered in detail. The first stage is the rationale for intervention where a burning problem is presented. The second stage is the rationale for the proposed study presented in the form of a literature review with...

What is the land pyramid?

The sun, being the main source of energy, is taken up by plants. This energy streams through a track known as biota, which may be symbolized by a pyramid made up of strata. Each species depend on another as the energy moves up the layers. This successive movement from the...

Discussion Thread: Preaching Legacy

How does each preacher relate to one of the aspects of any of the first six steps of McDill’s model? After reading about the legacy of four different preachers, identify how each of these preachers relates to one of the aspects of any of the first six steps of McDill’s...

Is Dark Chocolate Superior to All Other Chocolates?

Write an illustrative essay on the following topic “Dark chocolate is superior to all other chocolates.” Select one aspect of a topic to argue in detail, using specific examples to illustrate your side of the argument. Your essay should avoid opinion and focus on persuading your audience with detailed explanations...

List Your Proudest Accomplishments

How can you expect a potential employer to understand your strengths, goals, and working style if you’re not clear about them yourself? List some of your proudest accomplishments, then write a short “story” about each of them, following a situation-action-result pattern. These might be creative problem-solving, skill at organizing facts,...

Relativism and Objectivism Comparison

What are the similarities and differences between relativism and objectivism? Compare relativism and objectivism by stating and describing the most significant appeals and flaws of each theory State and defend which theory you find more convincing (consider using real-world examples to help illustrate your position). Demonstrate how critical analysis is...

Critique an Article of Your Choice

Select an article from a website, book, newspaper, magazine, or journal. Write your response in the form of a Block Letter and submit. In the letter you must include the title of the writing, the author and where published. Imagine that you are delivering an evaluation to the author of...

Create a Social Media Content Calendar for NIKE

Create a social media calendar for NIKE. Decide how and where your content will tell the brand story. Will it be told through videos and animation and Tweets? Will it be told through posts on Facebook and Instagram? Or will you build a Podcast? A Newsletter? You have the option...

Conduct an Adolescent Interview and Provide a Reflection

Interview one adolescent (aged 11-20). You will be asking him or her questions about a variety of issues faced by adolescents. Summarize the following: How typical or atypical is this adolescent? Did the adolescent describe him or herself in ways that you would expect? Reflect on the Erikson’s theory of...

What Do You Know About Drugs in Iceland?

What are the demographics of the country? What groups are using most of the illegal drugs? What are the main illegal drugs being smuggled into or out of the country? What are the most popular drugs consumed? What are the laws concerning drug use and abuse? What mafia, cartels, gangs...

What Have You Done to Make Your Community a Better Place?

Answer 4 questions: Please describe how you have prepared for your intended major, including your readiness to succeed in your upper-division courses once you enroll at the university. Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts...

What Is a Worldview? Answer the Questions from a Biblical Worldview

Define the term worldview, answer the five worldview questions from a Biblical Worldview: The Question of Origin, The Question of Identity, The Question of Meaning/Purpose, The Question of Morality, The Question of Destiny. Apply that Biblical Worldview to practical questions: How might/should a biblical worldview influence the way you…1.…think about...

What Is an Object in a Stream of Consciousness Style?

Choose a single thing as your subject, such as a room, a house, a park, or a person, and describe it in a stream of consciousness style. Your scene should include the following elements: A character with a distinct personality and a problem or conflict. Detailed description, told through a...

In the context of Operation Nashville, how did LTC Benchoff build cohesive teams?

LTC Benchoff built cohesive teams through mutual trust and by using tactical standard operating procedures (TACSOP). He expected his senior noncommissioned officers (NCOs) and subordinate commanders to exercise disciplined initiative and take bold action within the margin of his intent. By training his NCOs and subordinate commanders on the TACSOP,...

Describe, explain and provide examples of the seven principles of mission command outlined in ADP 6-0.

The principles of mission command are competence, mutual trust, shared understanding, commander’s intent, mission orders, disciplined initiative., and risk acceptance. Further explained that competence is the commander’s and subordinates’ ability to operate and perform assigned tasks tactically and technically, which achieved through the training, education, experience, and practice. Mutual trust...

What tool does the commander possess for the continuous assessment of the current situation used to determine if the current operation is proceeding according to the commander s intent and if planned future operations are supportable.

The accurate evaluation of the current situation is essential for an efficient commander, which means that appropriate strategies need to be deployed. As a rule, a commander uses a running estimate to assess the environment in which immediate actions required to be taken. The specified tool provides a commander with...

Should industry officials be held responsible for dumping chemicals that were legal when they did it but are now known to be extremely dangerous? At what point can we agree that they should have known about the hazards involved?

The responsibility for dumping toxic chemicals should fall to the companies that dumped them. Regardless of whether or not they were legal at the time disposal took place, these billion-dollar companies should pay for the cleanup. There are always procedures in place for the safe disposal of toxic or even...

A toxic waste disposal site has been proposed for the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Many tribal members oppose this plan, but some favor it because of the jobs and income it will bring into an area with 70% unemployment. If local people choose immediate survival over long-term health, should we object or intervene?

The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is one of the poorest reservations in the country. This community is rampant with poverty, drugs, alcohol, and gangs. Many of the American Indians living on this reservation do not have the basic amenities, such as heat, gas, and running water. Child abuse and neglect...

What is the Triple Convergence, and why is it important?

According to Friedman, Triple convergence refers to three additional things that help create a more flattened world and even playfields globally by acting on the ten flatteners mentioned in the book. The flattening of the world is a product of fiber optic cables converging with personal computing. He termed this...

What is the difference between direct and indirect assessment? Provide one example of each type.

Direct assessment involves examining real samples of work created by students in programs. Precisely, some work or product completed by learners demonstrates that they achieved a learning outcome. Examples of direct assessment include homework assignments, exams, standardized tests, term papers, reports, research projects, and case study analyses. In contrast, indirect...

What are some obstacles to successful benchmarking of safety training? Suggest some ways to overcome these obstacles.

One of the possible obstacles to successful benchmarking is the unwillingness or failure to acknowledge the authenticity of commerce thoughts or practices from exterior sources. Numerous students resist change because of frequent dissatisfaction, fear of the complex, perceived problems with their capacities. However, resistance can be minimized if instructors make...

How do researchers write mixed methods research questions?

Evident as the above mentioned (or alluded), qualitative methods adopt only research questions in studies vis-á-vis quantitative that use both/either research questions and/or hypothesis. According to Creswell, a robust research question should introduce a mixed-method study. Such mixed-method questions will prepare the ground for applying requisite study approaches. Then research...

In your own words, describe what Lucy meant when she wrote that before she learned how to communicate with a keyboard, she felt like she was “a clown in a world that was not a circus.” Do you think there may be other people who feel this way? Explain.

Communication is the only way a person relates their inner feelings and thoughts to the outside world. It is through this communication process that people transmit messages to other people. It is the only way to make others understand what you want them to understand. But here also arises a...

In your opinion, do you think Neanderthals should be labeled as Homo sapiens neanderthanlensis or as Homo neanderthalensis? Why? What bits of data do you use to support your argument? What are the consequences of choosing one over the other?

Looking at the difference between Homo sapiens neanderthanlensis and Homo neanderthanlensis, it is vital to admit that Neanderthal kind was prior in Europe than Homo sapiens. In this respect, the next stage in the history of humankind was concerned with the period of displacement. Homo sapiens displaced Neanderthals in Europe...

Why are some later species big game hunting? Go to the web and google persistence hunting. What are the differences between big game hunting and persistence hunting? Why do you think Homo erectus persistence hunted and later species big game hunted? What factors would control that evolutionary change?

The difference between persistence hunting and big game hunting is also the issue of the evolutionary development of species. The thing is that persistent hunting is the form of hunting when a hunter or hunters are trying to run and track the prey until it is exhausted. This rare method...

Describe the features of archaic Homo sapiens that are the same as Homo erectus and the ones that are the same as modern Homo sapiens. The authors of the text state that just because they are named archaic Homo sapiens does not make them one, nor does it imply they are ancestral to us. Why then have the fossils been named that, in your opinion? What are the consequences of naming a fossil species after a living species? This last part is an opinion question, but make sure you use the facts to back yourself up.

The description of archaic Homo sapiens really differs in contrast to modern Homo Sapience and Homo erectus. The thing is that in its development, the archaic Homo sapiens was designated as the middle point of the evolutionary process between Homo erectus and modern Homo sapiens. It is proved due to...

Discuss the two conceptions of representation: the “delegate” model and the “trustee” model. Which is your preferred model, why?

The “delegate” and the “trustee” models are two forms of representation that are frequently contrasted. The first model elects its representatives as delegates for the electoral district. These delegates have no autonomy and act according to the wishes of the constituency. At the same time, the “trustee” model gives their...

Define and describe the advantages and disadvantages of each of the following methods: the method of limits, the method of constant stimuli.

According to the conception of limits, a limit is a barrier that divides perceptible stimuli from imperceptible. Thus, by changing the intensity of a stimulus, a researcher could identify the limit. In experimentation, ascending and descending methods are primarily used. The former consists of changing levels from imperceptible gradually raising...

Describe John Kingdon’s policy stream model. Discuss all its elements and how they can help understand when policy change is most likely to occur.

John Kingdon, born in 1940, is a famous American professor, publicist, and political scientist. He was Acting Chair of Political Science from 1989 to 1990 at the University of Michigan. However, he is primarily known for his book Agendas, alternatives and public policies, published in 1984. In this research, he proposed a...

Compare and contrast the logical positivist to the natural language theorist.

Logical positivism is a theory that advocates the reduction of all existing knowledge to purely scientific data that can be verified by logic, experiment, or observation. It is based on the idea that all the theories that do not have scientific validation are useless because things that cannot be observed...

What problems does the U.S. Census Bureau face in their Field Data Collection Project?

These problems are closely associated with the matters of information system implementation and the values of the traditional accounting system. Thus, while the company requires an innovative accounting system, all the practices and principles of accounting require rearrangement in order to fit the electronic system. Moreover, Census Bureau needs consultation...