Read and view the Video Case in Chapter 8 titled “Forecasting and Supply Chain Management at Deckers Outdoor Corporation” in “Operations management: Processes and supply chains” by Krajewski, Malhotra, Ritzman. Based on what you see in the video, what kinds of information technology are used to make forecasts, maintain accurate inventory records, and project future inventory levels?

The video shows that Deckers uses a variety of statistical models to predict demand. Models of mathematical statistics reveal the nature of the effect of factors – causes on consequences. They help to foresee the course and development of logistical processes.

Mathematical statistics are used to solve such issues as constructing probability distribution curves and assessing the degree of agreement of actual characteristics with theoretical ones. For example, the company has to analyze the trends of the past years, as well as the results of the current economic activity of the company. It is crucial to keep in mind that Deckers’ products are sold not only online but also in retail stores.

Therefore, information on these two sales platforms should be used in the analysis. Statistical models allow the company to deal effectively with a variety of problems arising from uncertainty in supply. The results of correlation and regression analysis in logistics serve as an effective tool for planning and forecasting industrial and commercial activities.

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Academic.Tips. (2023) 'Read and view the Video Case in Chapter 8 titled "Forecasting and Supply Chain Management at Deckers Outdoor Corporation" in "Operations management: Processes and supply chains" by Krajewski, Malhotra, Ritzman. Based on what you see in the video, what kinds of information technology are used to make forecasts, maintain accurate inventory records, and project future inventory levels'. 13 May.


Academic.Tips. (2023, May 13). Read and view the Video Case in Chapter 8 titled "Forecasting and Supply Chain Management at Deckers Outdoor Corporation" in "Operations management: Processes and supply chains" by Krajewski, Malhotra, Ritzman. Based on what you see in the video, what kinds of information technology are used to make forecasts, maintain accurate inventory records, and project future inventory levels?


Academic.Tips. 2023. "Read and view the Video Case in Chapter 8 titled "Forecasting and Supply Chain Management at Deckers Outdoor Corporation" in "Operations management: Processes and supply chains" by Krajewski, Malhotra, Ritzman. Based on what you see in the video, what kinds of information technology are used to make forecasts, maintain accurate inventory records, and project future inventory levels?" May 13, 2023.

1. Academic.Tips. "Read and view the Video Case in Chapter 8 titled "Forecasting and Supply Chain Management at Deckers Outdoor Corporation" in "Operations management: Processes and supply chains" by Krajewski, Malhotra, Ritzman. Based on what you see in the video, what kinds of information technology are used to make forecasts, maintain accurate inventory records, and project future inventory levels?" May 13, 2023.


Academic.Tips. "Read and view the Video Case in Chapter 8 titled "Forecasting and Supply Chain Management at Deckers Outdoor Corporation" in "Operations management: Processes and supply chains" by Krajewski, Malhotra, Ritzman. Based on what you see in the video, what kinds of information technology are used to make forecasts, maintain accurate inventory records, and project future inventory levels?" May 13, 2023.

Work Cited

"Read and view the Video Case in Chapter 8 titled "Forecasting and Supply Chain Management at Deckers Outdoor Corporation" in "Operations management: Processes and supply chains" by Krajewski, Malhotra, Ritzman. Based on what you see in the video, what kinds of information technology are used to make forecasts, maintain accurate inventory records, and project future inventory levels?" Academic.Tips, 13 May 2023,
