Read and view the Video Case in Chapter 8 titled “Forecasting and Supply Chain Management at Deckers Outdoor Corporation” in “Operations management: Processes and supply chains” by Krajewski, Malhotra, Ritzman. What factors make forecasting at Deckers particularly challenging? How can forecasts be made for seasonal, fashionable products for which there is no history file? What are the costs of over-forecasting demand for such items? Under-forecasting?

It seems that the biggest challenge a company faces is that they have to control many factors simultaneously. As a consequence, there are many costs for the firm. For example, due to the fact that Deckers has to take into account the surge in demand for shoes at certain times of the year, they have to maintain significant inventories.

In addition, accounting for a variety of factors requires the use of expensive equipment and the hiring of many employees. Some of the aspects can only be predicted to a certain extent. Customers’ opinions about the company and its products can change at any time, which means it is a great risk to count on their everlasting loyalty.

In order to make predictions about fashion products for which there is no previous history, companies should be guided by whether there is a demand for similar models from competitors. This will not always be effective, but it is how many big brands like Zara or H&M do it. After the fashion houses release their new luxury products, these two giants create goods of similar design but at a more budget-friendly price.

Clearly, at the time of the release of these models, these brands do not have the sales history of previous years. The cost of overpredicting such goods may be their unprofitability and, as a consequence, the forced need to sell them at a lower price. Underprediction will lead to problems with delivery and ordering due to the resulting rush.

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Academic.Tips. (2023) 'Read and view the Video Case in Chapter 8 titled "Forecasting and Supply Chain Management at Deckers Outdoor Corporation" in "Operations management: Processes and supply chains" by Krajewski, Malhotra, Ritzman. What factors make forecasting at Deckers particularly challenging? How can forecasts be made for seasonal, fashionable products for which there is no history file? What are the costs of over-forecasting demand for such items? Under-forecasting'. 13 May.


Academic.Tips. (2023, May 13). Read and view the Video Case in Chapter 8 titled "Forecasting and Supply Chain Management at Deckers Outdoor Corporation" in "Operations management: Processes and supply chains" by Krajewski, Malhotra, Ritzman. What factors make forecasting at Deckers particularly challenging? How can forecasts be made for seasonal, fashionable products for which there is no history file? What are the costs of over-forecasting demand for such items? Under-forecasting?


Academic.Tips. 2023. "Read and view the Video Case in Chapter 8 titled "Forecasting and Supply Chain Management at Deckers Outdoor Corporation" in "Operations management: Processes and supply chains" by Krajewski, Malhotra, Ritzman. What factors make forecasting at Deckers particularly challenging? How can forecasts be made for seasonal, fashionable products for which there is no history file? What are the costs of over-forecasting demand for such items? Under-forecasting?" May 13, 2023.

1. Academic.Tips. "Read and view the Video Case in Chapter 8 titled "Forecasting and Supply Chain Management at Deckers Outdoor Corporation" in "Operations management: Processes and supply chains" by Krajewski, Malhotra, Ritzman. What factors make forecasting at Deckers particularly challenging? How can forecasts be made for seasonal, fashionable products for which there is no history file? What are the costs of over-forecasting demand for such items? Under-forecasting?" May 13, 2023.


Academic.Tips. "Read and view the Video Case in Chapter 8 titled "Forecasting and Supply Chain Management at Deckers Outdoor Corporation" in "Operations management: Processes and supply chains" by Krajewski, Malhotra, Ritzman. What factors make forecasting at Deckers particularly challenging? How can forecasts be made for seasonal, fashionable products for which there is no history file? What are the costs of over-forecasting demand for such items? Under-forecasting?" May 13, 2023.

Work Cited

"Read and view the Video Case in Chapter 8 titled "Forecasting and Supply Chain Management at Deckers Outdoor Corporation" in "Operations management: Processes and supply chains" by Krajewski, Malhotra, Ritzman. What factors make forecasting at Deckers particularly challenging? How can forecasts be made for seasonal, fashionable products for which there is no history file? What are the costs of over-forecasting demand for such items? Under-forecasting?" Academic.Tips, 13 May 2023,
