An Eskimo Family From the Cultural Anthropology Perspective

Discuss an Eskimo family from the cultural anthropology perspective.

Read the following parts of the book “Never in Anger: Portrait of an Eskimo Family” by Jean Briggs:

  • “Acknowledgements,”
  • “Contents,”
  • “Spelling and Pronunciation Note,”
  • “People,” as well as
  • “Appendix II: Table of Seasonal Activities,”
  • “Appendix III: Composition of Families,”
  • “Glossary I: Eskimo Terms other than Emotion Terms,”
  • “Glossary II: Emotion Terms.”

From these parts of the ethnography, what are the most important things we learn about family or kinship in this community? From these parts of the ethnography, what are the most important things we learn about the actual practice of cultural anthropology or fieldwork?