Read the Babylonian Creation story, “Enuma Elish.” Answer these questions from the perspective of “Enuma Elish”: From where did all life come (from what primeval stuff)? Who created the world as we know it? On what occasion was the world created? Why were human beings created? From what substance were humans created? Then compare Genesis 1:1-2:4. If you had been an ancient Israelite who had grown up hearing how the gods, the world, and humankind came into being through “Enuma Elish,” what aspects of the Creation Story in Genesis 1:1-2:4 would be particularly striking (and potentially life-changing) to you?

There was nothing but undifferentiated water spinning in disorder at the beginning. The waters separated into sweet freshwater, known as the deity Apsu, and salty, bitter moisture, known as the deity Tiamat, as a result of this vortex. The marriage of these two beings, once distinguished, gave rise to the junior gods.

The episodes of the epic Enuma Elish, which narrates the God of the sun Marduk’s triumph over the forces of chaos and the subsequent creation of the cosmos, were re-created in the New Year’s celebration occult theatre, in which the monarch portrayed Marduk, the winner, and creator.

While in Enuma Elish, humans are created as an afterthought to serve as an accouterment to the gods’ lifestyle, the formation of Genesis places humans in the position of the gods. Humans were created from the deity Tiamat’s pouring of blood. Tiamat was killed while attempting to overcome her child Marduk in combat, and he subsequently used her lifeblood to create humans.

Enuma Elish begins with Apsu and Tiamat, the primordial representatives of chaos. They are the gods’ father and mother, accordingly. It is not so much about creation as molding the chaotic substance that already occurs. God watches over existence in Genesis, and He makes everything. Apsu wishes to kill the gods’ offspring since they are loud in Enuma Elish; Tiamat attempts to protect them.

Tiamat seeks vengeance and summons eleven creatures to assist her. Marduk promises to be the gods’ champion in exchange for the right to be their king. Then he makes the stars and controls the sun, moon, and weather. It is worth noting that he does not make the sun or the moon.

Genesis has some great moments, yet it is incredibly different. God creates the sun, moon, and stars. He does not control them. God makes man the pinnacle of nature, not a slave race. As there are no other gods, God does not combat them. There are no creatures to contend with. In reality, God created tannins, sea monsters, and whales as part of his whole creation. God is not named or raised to the throne. He is preeminent from the beginning of Genesis.

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Academic.Tips. (2023) 'Read the Babylonian Creation story, "Enuma Elish." Answer these questions from the perspective of "Enuma Elish": From where did all life come (from what primeval stuff)? Who created the world as we know it? On what occasion was the world created? Why were human beings created? From what substance were humans created? Then compare Genesis 1:1-2:4. If you had been an ancient Israelite who had grown up hearing how the gods, the world, and humankind came into being through "Enuma Elish," what aspects of the Creation Story in Genesis 1:1-2:4 would be particularly striking (and potentially life-changing) to you'. 15 March.


Academic.Tips. (2023, March 15). Read the Babylonian Creation story, "Enuma Elish." Answer these questions from the perspective of "Enuma Elish": From where did all life come (from what primeval stuff)? Who created the world as we know it? On what occasion was the world created? Why were human beings created? From what substance were humans created? Then compare Genesis 1:1-2:4. If you had been an ancient Israelite who had grown up hearing how the gods, the world, and humankind came into being through "Enuma Elish," what aspects of the Creation Story in Genesis 1:1-2:4 would be particularly striking (and potentially life-changing) to you?


Academic.Tips. 2023. "Read the Babylonian Creation story, "Enuma Elish." Answer these questions from the perspective of "Enuma Elish": From where did all life come (from what primeval stuff)? Who created the world as we know it? On what occasion was the world created? Why were human beings created? From what substance were humans created? Then compare Genesis 1:1-2:4. If you had been an ancient Israelite who had grown up hearing how the gods, the world, and humankind came into being through "Enuma Elish," what aspects of the Creation Story in Genesis 1:1-2:4 would be particularly striking (and potentially life-changing) to you?" March 15, 2023.

1. Academic.Tips. "Read the Babylonian Creation story, "Enuma Elish." Answer these questions from the perspective of "Enuma Elish": From where did all life come (from what primeval stuff)? Who created the world as we know it? On what occasion was the world created? Why were human beings created? From what substance were humans created? Then compare Genesis 1:1-2:4. If you had been an ancient Israelite who had grown up hearing how the gods, the world, and humankind came into being through "Enuma Elish," what aspects of the Creation Story in Genesis 1:1-2:4 would be particularly striking (and potentially life-changing) to you?" March 15, 2023.


Academic.Tips. "Read the Babylonian Creation story, "Enuma Elish." Answer these questions from the perspective of "Enuma Elish": From where did all life come (from what primeval stuff)? Who created the world as we know it? On what occasion was the world created? Why were human beings created? From what substance were humans created? Then compare Genesis 1:1-2:4. If you had been an ancient Israelite who had grown up hearing how the gods, the world, and humankind came into being through "Enuma Elish," what aspects of the Creation Story in Genesis 1:1-2:4 would be particularly striking (and potentially life-changing) to you?" March 15, 2023.

Work Cited

"Read the Babylonian Creation story, "Enuma Elish." Answer these questions from the perspective of "Enuma Elish": From where did all life come (from what primeval stuff)? Who created the world as we know it? On what occasion was the world created? Why were human beings created? From what substance were humans created? Then compare Genesis 1:1-2:4. If you had been an ancient Israelite who had grown up hearing how the gods, the world, and humankind came into being through "Enuma Elish," what aspects of the Creation Story in Genesis 1:1-2:4 would be particularly striking (and potentially life-changing) to you?" Academic.Tips, 15 Mar. 2023,
