Look at 2 speeches of tribute: “Challenger: President Reagan’s Challenger Disaster Speech” and “Jon Stewart (Bruce Springsteen Tribute)”. Based on the importance of language and stylistic devices in special occasion speeches, did you recognize the stylistic devices used by the speakers? What were they? Give examples.

“Challenger: President Reagan’s Challenger Disaster Speech”
“Jon Stewart (Bruce Springsteen Tribute)”

The use of stylistic devices is critical for directing the attention of audiences to a particular subject. In Reagan’s speech, the distinct presence of metaphors helps to create the narrative that drives people’s attention to the problems at hand. For instance, the president mentions “expanding a man’s horizons” to evoke the impression of greatness. Similarly, repetitions are used quite often, such as “that special grace, that special spirit.” Likewise, repetition is used by Jon Stewart, yet it is utilized for comedic purposes in his speech: “[…] nor historian, nor archivist.”

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Academic.Tips. (2022) 'Look at 2 speeches of tribute: “Challenger: President Reagan's Challenger Disaster Speech” and “Jon Stewart (Bruce Springsteen Tribute)”. Based on the importance of language and stylistic devices in special occasion speeches, did you recognize the stylistic devices used by the speakers? What were they? Give examples'. 3 June.


Academic.Tips. (2022, June 3). Look at 2 speeches of tribute: “Challenger: President Reagan's Challenger Disaster Speech” and “Jon Stewart (Bruce Springsteen Tribute)”. Based on the importance of language and stylistic devices in special occasion speeches, did you recognize the stylistic devices used by the speakers? What were they? Give examples. https://academic.tips/question/look-at-2-speeches-of-tribute-challenger-president-reagans-challenger-disaster-speech-and-jon-stewart-bruce-springsteen-tribute-based-on-the-importance-of-la/


Academic.Tips. 2022. "Look at 2 speeches of tribute: “Challenger: President Reagan's Challenger Disaster Speech” and “Jon Stewart (Bruce Springsteen Tribute)”. Based on the importance of language and stylistic devices in special occasion speeches, did you recognize the stylistic devices used by the speakers? What were they? Give examples." June 3, 2022. https://academic.tips/question/look-at-2-speeches-of-tribute-challenger-president-reagans-challenger-disaster-speech-and-jon-stewart-bruce-springsteen-tribute-based-on-the-importance-of-la/.

1. Academic.Tips. "Look at 2 speeches of tribute: “Challenger: President Reagan's Challenger Disaster Speech” and “Jon Stewart (Bruce Springsteen Tribute)”. Based on the importance of language and stylistic devices in special occasion speeches, did you recognize the stylistic devices used by the speakers? What were they? Give examples." June 3, 2022. https://academic.tips/question/look-at-2-speeches-of-tribute-challenger-president-reagans-challenger-disaster-speech-and-jon-stewart-bruce-springsteen-tribute-based-on-the-importance-of-la/.


Academic.Tips. "Look at 2 speeches of tribute: “Challenger: President Reagan's Challenger Disaster Speech” and “Jon Stewart (Bruce Springsteen Tribute)”. Based on the importance of language and stylistic devices in special occasion speeches, did you recognize the stylistic devices used by the speakers? What were they? Give examples." June 3, 2022. https://academic.tips/question/look-at-2-speeches-of-tribute-challenger-president-reagans-challenger-disaster-speech-and-jon-stewart-bruce-springsteen-tribute-based-on-the-importance-of-la/.

Work Cited

"Look at 2 speeches of tribute: “Challenger: President Reagan's Challenger Disaster Speech” and “Jon Stewart (Bruce Springsteen Tribute)”. Based on the importance of language and stylistic devices in special occasion speeches, did you recognize the stylistic devices used by the speakers? What were they? Give examples." Academic.Tips, 3 June 2022, academic.tips/question/look-at-2-speeches-of-tribute-challenger-president-reagans-challenger-disaster-speech-and-jon-stewart-bruce-springsteen-tribute-based-on-the-importance-of-la/.
