Analyze the poem “Panic Cento” by Zack Brown. What is the poem about? What is actually happening in the poem? Is the situation clear? What are the people in it doing? Where is the poem located, and when does it take place? Is the speaker identifiable? Does the speaker have an attitude? If yes, what? What tone of voice do you hear? What are the strongest aspects of this poem? What suggestions for revision or development might you make for this poem? How can it reach its full potential?

The poem “Panic Cento” by Zack Brown is about a terrible accident. The person who is a motorbike rider laments in a sad tone about his recklessness as people who have witnessed the spectacle at night worry. There is repetition, where the author uses “I am small” to show the intensity of the action and uses rhetorical questions in line three to challenge the readers on the gravity of the matter.

Further, rhyme and alliteration are used, “…lungs load…, daily drops and “…small, small,” making it musical hence lines two and five are effective in magnifying the seriousness of the matter. The poem can be improved by making it a quatrain with four stanzas and rhyme scheme variations to add beauty and depth.

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Academic.Tips. (2023) 'Analyze the poem "Panic Cento" by Zack Brown. What is the poem about? What is actually happening in the poem? Is the situation clear? What are the people in it doing? Where is the poem located, and when does it take place? Is the speaker identifiable? Does the speaker have an attitude? If yes, what? What tone of voice do you hear? What are the strongest aspects of this poem? What suggestions for revision or development might you make for this poem? How can it reach its full potential'. 24 March.


Academic.Tips. (2023, March 24). Analyze the poem "Panic Cento" by Zack Brown. What is the poem about? What is actually happening in the poem? Is the situation clear? What are the people in it doing? Where is the poem located, and when does it take place? Is the speaker identifiable? Does the speaker have an attitude? If yes, what? What tone of voice do you hear? What are the strongest aspects of this poem? What suggestions for revision or development might you make for this poem? How can it reach its full potential?


Academic.Tips. 2023. "Analyze the poem "Panic Cento" by Zack Brown. What is the poem about? What is actually happening in the poem? Is the situation clear? What are the people in it doing? Where is the poem located, and when does it take place? Is the speaker identifiable? Does the speaker have an attitude? If yes, what? What tone of voice do you hear? What are the strongest aspects of this poem? What suggestions for revision or development might you make for this poem? How can it reach its full potential?" March 24, 2023.

1. Academic.Tips. "Analyze the poem "Panic Cento" by Zack Brown. What is the poem about? What is actually happening in the poem? Is the situation clear? What are the people in it doing? Where is the poem located, and when does it take place? Is the speaker identifiable? Does the speaker have an attitude? If yes, what? What tone of voice do you hear? What are the strongest aspects of this poem? What suggestions for revision or development might you make for this poem? How can it reach its full potential?" March 24, 2023.


Academic.Tips. "Analyze the poem "Panic Cento" by Zack Brown. What is the poem about? What is actually happening in the poem? Is the situation clear? What are the people in it doing? Where is the poem located, and when does it take place? Is the speaker identifiable? Does the speaker have an attitude? If yes, what? What tone of voice do you hear? What are the strongest aspects of this poem? What suggestions for revision or development might you make for this poem? How can it reach its full potential?" March 24, 2023.

Work Cited

"Analyze the poem "Panic Cento" by Zack Brown. What is the poem about? What is actually happening in the poem? Is the situation clear? What are the people in it doing? Where is the poem located, and when does it take place? Is the speaker identifiable? Does the speaker have an attitude? If yes, what? What tone of voice do you hear? What are the strongest aspects of this poem? What suggestions for revision or development might you make for this poem? How can it reach its full potential?" Academic.Tips, 24 Mar. 2023,
