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From experienced academic experts. In any field of study

Mapping the Field of Educational Administration Research

Uncover how knowledge is exchanged and disseminated in the educational administration research literature through the journal citation network. Make a social network analysis to find out which journals are the most prominent, which have an interdisciplinary character, and how they interact with each other through quotations to build the educational...

The Theory of Utilitarianism and Philosophy of Education

Evaluate the theory of utilitarianism. Discuss the ethical system of sticking to quotes and research. Analyze ethical forms of utilitarianism. What are the principles of utilitarianism? Discuss the controversial issues of the theory. What is the moral dilemma of the utilitarianism theory? Do ethics and morality involve creating positivity that...

PremiumSoft Firm’s Human Resource Management

Analyze the PremiumSoft human resource management. Analyze PremiumSoft’s recruitment and selection strategy. How do HRs select candidates, and what are the pros and cons of these practices for the company? How would you describe PremiumSoft’s performance management strategy? What advice would you give co-founders for this company to attract and...

Analysis of “Such as Fun Age” by Kiley Reid

Analyze the book “Such a Fun Age” by Kiley Reid. Kelley Copeland and Alix Chamberlain are antagonists who battle it out over Emira, but they have many things in common. Discuss their similarities and differences, and decide if they’re more alike than they are different or more different than they...

College Student Prescriptions for Stimulants

Analyze college student prescriptions for stimulants. Discuss doctors giving college students Adderall, or what you call prescription stimulants. Analyze motivation for non-medical stimulant use. What are the common side effects of stimulant intake? Evaluate complementary substance abuse disorders. Is there a psychiatric impact of this issue? Does dopamine, which substances...

Evaluating the Costs for a Dream House

Evaluate the costs for your dream house. How much is the house still owed on loan after 15 years? What percent of the loan was paid off in 15 years? How long is it before you have paid off 50% of the loan? How much, in general, do you pay...

An Infectious Disease That Should Be Eradicated

Discuss an infectious disease that should be eradicated (e.g., because it is lethal). The disease you choose should meet the following requirements. It cannot yet be cured or still affects many people. It could potentially be eradicated. What is the disease? What are the benefits of eradicating this disease? Why...

The Principle of Specificity to Sports Preparation

Discuss the principle of specificity to athletics or sports preparation, personal fitness training, and rehabilitation. Provide a concrete example of the principle of specificity to athletics or sports preparation, personal fitness training, and rehabilitation. Choose two exercises explaining the background, pros and cons, and why this exercise meets the goals....

Analyzing an Institution Impacted by Poverty

Analyze one institution impacted by poverty. Starting with the current status and statistics of poverty within that institution, you are to present a political timeline tracing the origins of the political impacts of policy on poverty within the chosen institution. Your answer must include the necessary critical content (i.e., not...

Social Media’s Negative Impacts on Relationships

Discuss how prolonged use of social media could cause have negative effects on relationships. Discuss each of the following three statements: Prolonged use of social media could cause social anxiety and depression. Prolonged use of social media could cause problems with personal relationships. Prolonged use of social media could cause...

Types of Relationships and Their Benefits and Disadvantages

Identify and describe various marriage types or relationships and explain each type’s benefits and disadvantages. Identify six marriage types or similar relationships. Include traditional and nontraditional forms of marriage or similar associations. You identify, name the marriage type, and describe the critical components for each marriage type. Next, for each...

Gender Issues in the Workplace

Discuss the topic of gender issues in the workplace. Your answer should include an in-depth analysis and discussion of the chosen topic by exploring the factors that contribute to the conflict, the root causes, the policies and processes that are in place to deal with this issue, or lack thereof,...

FashionCo’s Organizational Structure and Culture

FashionCo is a fashion retailer that has 30 retail shops established across the UK. What decision should be made to diversify the markets within which it operates? Outline five key developments that are affecting the fashion industry. Analyze one key external PESTLE factor likely to influence the business’s expansion plans....

Is Gender a Biological Construct?

Discuss whether gender is a biological construct. Proponents of a school of thought called natural differentiation using the theory of natural difference have argued that aspects of human biology ranging from hormones to chromosomes to brain size to genetics are responsible for innate dissimilarities in behavior between females and males....

Analysis of Family Intervention Work

Analyze the work with families at certain stages of the family life cycle. What questions might we ask to help increase the family’s awareness of the important emotional transitions and tasks of their family life cycle? Identify at least three questions. How having a conversation about the impact of cultural...

The Principles of Holistic Nursing Care

Discuss the principles of holistic nursing care. Provide details. What is Holistic Nursing Care? What is behind this concept? Explain the basic principles of holistic nursing care. What is the meaning of holistic in nursing? How do nurses provide holistic care? What are examples of holistic nursing interventions? Cover all...

Current Status and Future of Social Housing in South Africa

Critically evaluate both the current status and the future of social housing in South Africa. “Present housing policies can be criticized for paying undue priority to new refugees living in informal settlements while struggling to meet the housing needs of colored people and Africans born and raised in apartheid-era townships.”...

The Nurse’s Role in Disaster Planning, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery

Explore the nurse’s role in disaster planning, preparedness, response, and recovery. Identify nursing roles and responsibilities during each phase of disaster management. Identify nursing roles and responsibilities during each phase of disaster management. Create a teaching tool for your family or the community. How to plan an emergency kit or...

Mitigating Risk Factors for Hypertension Patient

How would you develop a realistic plan to help a patient reduce his blood pressure and prevent complications? A 56-year-old patient with newly diagnosed stage 1 hypertension has been referred to you for counseling regarding lifestyle modifications. The patient is married with four children — two in high school and...

Current Opinion in Microbiology Regarding Patient Care

What are some alternatives you could consider for a patient who demands an antibiotic? A 41-year-old male patient presents to the doctor’s office you work at complaining of a sore throat and headache. He is told to rest and drink liquids until the virus has run its course. He is...

Slaves as Property in Slave Narratives and “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Stowe

Analyze the position of slaves as property in slave narratives and “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Make sure that the first paragraph introduces the main idea, thesis, and argument of the paper and lists the specific points to be covered. The final paragraph should be a conclusion. Make...

Should the State of Texas Start Taxing Incomes?

Should the state of Texas start taxing incomes or continue business as usual? While Texas certainly provides a favorable environment for business, its tax system is often criticized for being too regressive. Evaluate the pros and cons of having no state income taxes. Should Lone Star State start taxing incomes?...

Decriminalizing the Possession of Illegal Drugs in Canada

Discuss the following news. The Canadian government will be temporarily decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of illegal drugs. These illegal drugs include cocaine and methamphetamines, in the province of British Columbia, on January 31st, 2023. Using the concept of the political spectrum, explain the position of: J.J. McCullough, author...

Rhetoric in “This Boat Is My Boat” by Drew Hayden Taylor

Analyze how the author of “This Boat Is My Boat,” Drew Hayden Taylor, uses rhetoric to strengthen his main idea (and what is that). Focus only on one type of rhetorical appeal (logic, emotion, or credibility). Provide a thesis statement (complete sentence), and in point form, highlight which techniques have...

A Juvenile’s Experience in the Correctional System

Create a narrative about a fictional juvenile, track the juvenile through the system, and describe their experience. Begin by describing the individual in terms of demographics (the juvenile should be old enough to be tried as an adult in your state) and identify the serious crime. This crime should be...

Presenting Solar Parks in the Bahamas

Discuss solar parks in the Bahamas. The Bahamas has no power grid and relies on oil-fired generators to provide reliable electricity, which increased the national need for renewable energy solutions. How can you implement a solar park project in the Bahamas? Why is it profitable, and how is the introduction...

Biographical Elements in “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Atwood

What facts about Margaret Atwood’s life suggest ideas in “The Handmaid’s Tale?” Did anything that happened to the author affect his or her themes or choice of subject matter? What was the author’s worldview? Which of the author’s beliefs seems reflected in this work? What commentary on the work did...

Comparing Two Codes of Ethics in Engineering

Analyze and compare two Codes of Ethics: the National Society of Professional Engineers and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Read and review two codes of ethics, the National Society of Professional Engineers and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Identify three similarities. Identify three differences. Provide your...

Analyzing an Article From a Nursing Informatics Journal

Analyze an article from a nursing informatics journal from the perspective of importance to nursing practice, usability, and relevance to the expansion of nursing informatics in the future. What is the purpose of the article? Does it identify a problem? Was there sufficient background information to understand the context? Did...

Pediatric Nursing Principles and Family Theory

Discuss types of families, family theory, and parenting styles and analyze Piaget and Erikson-Pediatric Nursing Principles. Reflect on your parent’s parenting styles. Did your understanding of your parent’s parenting style change as you got older? What were the family influences that impacted your parents’ parenting style and your behavior growing...

English Language Development Assessments and Strategies

Discuss English language development strategies. Choose an English Language Development (ELD) standard Emerging (beginning) stage. Develop a formative or summative assessment that aligns with the ELD standard chosen for each stage. Analyze SDAIE classroom strategies. Select appropriate strategies that prepare students for the assessments you created. What could contextual support...

How McDonald’s Applies Corporate Social Responsibility to Their Process Area

Discuss how McDonald’s applies CSR to their process area and why. What is corporate social responsibility? Why is she important? How does McDonald’s apply CSR, and what tools does it use? What is the positive effect of this strategy for the company and for society? Looking at the company from...

An Analysis of the Organization of a Hospital

Describe the organization of your hospital. Obtain a copy of your hospital’s organizational map. Most of them can be found online, or you can ask your administrative office for a copy. If you are not working right now, then look up the map of a local facility near your home...

Analyzing an Ethical Issue of Hospice Communication

What could hospice programs do to better inform the general public of their purpose? Lois was recently admitted into a hospice program in the last stages of breast cancer. A hospice nurse comes into their home to take care of his wife. Lois’ husband asked when he should take Lois...

Evidence-Based Practice Implementation in Nursing

Discuss the implementation of evidence-based practice in nursing and evidence-based approaches to care. Nurses must have knowledge of the most effective and reliable evidence-based approaches to care, increase their expertise in critiquing research, and apply the evidence of their findings to select optimal interventions for their patients. Identify at least...

Investing in Training to Combat High Employee Turnover

Help a customer service contact center with a high staff turnover rate. The key reason for this turnover is a lack of career progression within the organization. Senior management hires leadership posts from outside the organization. Discuss suitable methods of conducting a Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) for this organization and...

The Creation of an Economic Portfolio for Bangladesh

Create an economic portfolio for Bangladesh. Outline the economic outlook for the country using economic indicators. Identify the country’s type of economic market: command or mixed economy. Is it an open or closed economy? What does this mean for the country’s economy? Identify its real GDP per capita and population...

Diversity and Inclusion in Human Resource Management

Discuss why diversity and inclusion are timely and relevant in HR management today. Create at least two industrial and organizational psychological theories that have been identified as a framework for your analysis. Analyze psychological tools, methods, and practices typically used in personnel and human resource management. Your review should include...

Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation of a Patient

Conduct a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation on a patient that you examined during the last two weeks who presented with a psychiatric disorder. Provide physical exam documentation of systems pertinent to the chief complaint, HPI, and history. Include diagnostic results, including any labs, imaging, or other assessments needed to develop the...

Communicating and Arguing With and Without Fallacies

Create three short dialogues in which you argue that someone else (not you) in your home should take out the trash every day. Give three reasons that include fallacies. Identify the fallacies. Then create alternative dialogues giving three reasons to avoid taking out the trash that is fallacy free. Remember...

France’s Colonial Expansion in Africa and Asia

French politician Jules Ferry fueled his country’s quest to compete in the European race to conquer foreign territory at the end of the nineteenth century. Discuss what the arguments for and against colonialism were. Jules Ferry believed that imperialism and colonialism were not only economically necessary but morally justifiable. Why...

Narrative and Metaphors Surrounding HIV & AIDS

Discuss how artists like playwright Matthew Lopez, activists like ACT UP members, and writers like Susan Sontag take control of the narrative and metaphors surrounding HIV/AIDS and why. Use specific examples from readings, films, and plays. Make your claim in your thesis paragraph and provide evidence to support your claims....

Maintaining a Professional Image of Nurses in Popular Media

Discuss the importance of developing and maintaining a professional image of nurses in their face-to-face interactions and online. Choose an example from the media. Describe how the chosen example makes you feel about your future profession. Describe the possible impact of this example on public perceptions of nursing and nursing....

Analysis of Toulmin and Aristotelian Argumentative Models

Analyze Toulmin and Aristotelian argumentative models and multimodal argumentation. The argumentation uses “words in combination with another medium or an argument in a mode other than the printed word: photographs, illustrations, audio, video, or digital media.” Choose two sources (either scholarly or popular is okay) which specifically discuss, answer, or...

Concepts of Social Stratification and Social Class

Analyze the concepts of social stratification and social class. What is social mobility? Are there social classes? How are these categorized? How are they defined? How are stratification systems maintained in this society? What are the two ways in which poverty is defined? How do Wright’s model of social class...

A Community Needs Assessment of Lauderdale, Florida

Conduct a Community Needs Assessment in Lauderdale, Florida. Conduct a windshield survey of your neighborhood. Analyze the data on your community (the windshield survey information along with any data and statistics you found). Identify your community’s needs and strengths. Identify a community health program/resource that your community could utilize to...

Problems of Police, Courts, and Corrections

Describe two problems that police, courts, and corrections have experienced. Discuss what measures have been taken to correct those problems. Discuss whether those efforts have had success. Do you agree or disagree with the measures taken? Develop all aspects of the task. Support the theme with relevant facts, examples, and...

Assessing and Treating Patients With Sleep-Wake Disorders

Discuss treating patients with sleep-wake disorders. It is important for the psychiatric nurse practitioner to carefully evaluate the best psychopharmacologic treatments for patients that present with sleep/wake disorders. Reflect on the psychopharmacologic treatments you might recommend for the assessment and treatment of patients with sleep/wake disorders. Be specific and support...

Creating a Differentiated Lesson Plan

Create a differentiated lesson plan utilizing the UDL cycle for differentiating products and processes. What are the students’ various strengths, backgrounds, learning styles, interests, and reading abilities? What are the students’ multiple intelligences? What forms of communication do the students use? Are there any students with characteristics that might require...

Consolidation of Christianity in Western Civilization History

Discuss the consolidation of Christianity as a turning point in Western Civilization history. Considering the history of this religious movement and its interaction with the Roman Empire, discuss how Christianity shaped/changed the culture and politics of Rome throughout its first nine hundred years (years 1 – 900) and therefore established...

Importance of Quality Improvement in Organization

Identify a quality improvement opportunity in your organization or practice. Provide an overview of the problem and the setting in which the problem or issue occurs. Explain why a quality improvement initiative is needed in this area and the expected outcome. Discuss how the results of previous research demonstrate support...

New Era Company’s Strategic (SWOT) Analysis

Make a SWOT analysis of the New Era. In order to present your SWOT, you will create a table and use bullet points to organize your findings. In order to build up your SWOT, you will need to collect information about the market (Cap market, general apparel market in the...

Apple and Samsung Firms’ Social Media Presence

Analyze and compare the social media presence of Apple and Samsung over the past month or two. On the platform Apple and Samsung both use, examine their social media presence over the past month to two months. Describe the tone and language used. Who do you think their audience or...

Analysis of Fusion Center in Massachusetts

Analyze the activities of the Mass Fusion center in Massachusetts. As a result of 911 and the terrorist attacks on New York City, the Federal and State governments quickly realized intelligence information had to be shared between law enforcement and intelligence agencies more openly and efficiently. As a result, legislation...

The Role of Empathy in Criminal Justice

As a correctional counselor for a youthful offender program, explain the role empathy may play in the decisions made by criminal justice professionals regarding the offender and victim. What is empathy? In which areas of criminal justice can empathy be applied? How can it be applied? Describe how empathy influenced...

Integrated Diabetes Self-Management Program Using Smartphone Application

Analyze controlled trials about integrated diabetes self-management programs using smartphone applications. What are the benefits of a diabetes self-management program using a smartphone app? What describes this study’s target population? What describes the study’s sampling method? What are the strengths and weaknesses of that sampling method? Which statement best describes...

Teaching Practices to Establish Positive Relationships

Discuss teaching practices and approaches to establishing positive relationships. Teaching content in early childhood education focuses on several areas. Choose one content domain and briefly describe what this would look like for any age group (infants, toddlers, preschool, or school-age). Think about planning environments and then interacting with children during...

Addressing Ethical Implications in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment

Discuss and analyze ethical implications in the treatment of ADHD. Consider the ethical implications of the client’s presentation as well as the role of the mental health professional in treating this client. Plan steps to begin treatment of this client’s condition. Explain the psychopharmacological interventions a mental health professional might...

Ethical Issue: Quality Treatment vs. Patient’s Desire

Analyze a situation in which the doctor has to make a choice between quality treatment and the patient’s desire, which is contrary to the treatment process. A Roman Catholic Christian 58-year-old schoolteacher suffered a stroke that left her with severe deficits. She would be unable to walk on her own,...

Phenomena of Death and Dying by Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Analyze the phenomena of death and dying by Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, and think of an example from your day-to-day life or practice experience. Define the following four terms in your own words, citing at least one source: phenomena, concept, proposition, and assumptions. Review your definitions and think of an example...

Product Value and Competitive Advantage

Using a product that you regularly purchase as an example, analyze its competitive advantage and value provided to customers. Does the product or service have a competitive advantage (cost, differentiation, etc.)? If not, what is your recommendation for it to attain a competitive advantage? Is a competitive advantage sustainable because...

Rhetorical Issues in Gary Shteyngart’s “Only Disconnect”

Analyze rhetorical Issues in Gary Shteyngart’s essay “Only Disconnect.” Evaluate the rhetorical effectiveness and credibility of “Only Disconnect” by Shteyngart. Your critique will be based on the identification of small textual details (e.g., repetitions, strands, binaries) plus larger rhetorical strategies and the assessment of the author’s usage of rhetorical appeals....

Impact of Environmental Changes on Wild Primates’ Behavior

Discuss how environmental changes have altered the behavior of a wild primate. Most primates are threatened by extinction, mostly due to the rapid changes in their environments. Find one example of how environmental changes have altered the behavior of a wild primate or another type of animal. This can be...

Interviewing a Person in Late Adulthood

Choose one individual who is between the ages 70-80 years old and ask them the questions about transitioning into late adulthood. In order to better understand the stage of late adulthood, choose one individual who is willing to be interviewed. Ask them the following questions: How are you spending your...

Manipulation of Revenue to Boost Financial Performance

Analyze various frauds, especially those involving revenue recognition issues. In some cases, creative accounting leads to misleading performance and a variety of fraud. Revenue recognition is the most common misreported financial figure. Describe types of normal manipulation of revenue utilized by managers to boost financial performance and how it impacts...

How a Developmental Process Shapes a Person

How has your own developmental process shaped who you are today? Address at least two of the following themes in your answer: early relationships and attachments; adult developmental conflicts; learning history or style; personality type and changes. You should have already spent some time thinking about these themes and how...

Pros and Cons of Media Ownership Concentration and Conglomeration

Conduct research about the pros and cons of media ownership concentration and conglomeration on the example of the following companies: 21st Century Fox, CBS, and Entercom Communications. Develop a list of at least three arguments that support media ownership caps (supporting the idea there should be limits on how much...

The Warm-Cold Variable in First Impressions of Persons

Analyze the concept of the warm-cold variable in first impressions of persons. Read the article “The warm-cold variable in first impressions of persons” by H. Kelley. Discuss any ethical considerations, if any, with this study as designed. Is there anything you would’ve done differently? Determine whether this is a between-subjects...

The Institutional Review Boards Prescreening Process

Identify the IRB (Institutional Review Board) prescreening process and how this process works to gain IRB prescreening determination for the DNP practice change project. How will you ensure an ethical and protective process for all involved in your project, including patients and other stakeholders? Provide an update on your project...

Timothy Treadwell’s Internal Battle in Werner Herzog’s “Grizzly Man”

In “Grizzly Man,” Werner Herzog crafts an argument about who Timothy Treadwell was and why he lived the way he did. Analyze Timothy Treadwell’s internal battle in Werner Herzog’s “Grizzly Man.” People are quick to criticize Timothy Treadwell’s passionate efforts without knowing anything about his internal battle or understanding the...

Core Behaviors for People Professionals

Discuss the core behaviors of people professionals, focusing on ethical practice to create value. Explain ethical principles and professional values, including how these can inform approaches to work. Specify ways in which you conform consistently with relevant regulations and laws within the context of ethics and professional practice. Summarise ways...

Analysis of an Ethical Problem in the Nursing Workplace

Analyze the situation in the nurse’s workplace from an ethical point of view. John Doe, a nurse, has downloaded an application to her phone that allows him to download copyrighted textbooks for a nursing course (that Doe is going to take) without his Internet Service Provider knowing it. John is...

Possible Negative Effects of Daycare

Discuss possible negative effects of daycare. What happens to children’s long-run cognitive development when introducing high-quality universal childcare for 3-year-olds mainly crowds out family care? In the first full paragraph, write a summary of an article that you will use as a source in the essay on the effects of...

Fine Habits: Opium & Morphine Users in British Columbia to 1914

Discuss the history of opium & morphine users in British Columbia to 1914. Why was opium legal in Victoria? Why was it the Chinese who owned factories and dens, and how each side benefited from it, including owners, consumers, and authorities? It is interesting to know the consequences of the...

Aspects of Life Shared by People and Cultures

Learning about Indigenous people nurtures multicultural awareness and respect for diversity. Analyze some common experiences and aspects of the lives of people from different cultures and societies. What do you think culture is? What is included in culture? Do you know what culture you belong to? Do you know anything...

Ethics and Professional Practice in Community Justice Service

Explore, discuss and assess the professional and ethical issues facing the Community Justice Service practitioner. Learn how to engage in ethical decision-making based on agency and ministry standards of professional practice. Gain an understanding of how the OCSWSSW Code of Ethics sets standards of practice for practitioners in the field....

Public Relations Plan for the Prevention of Cruelty to Kitties

Create a public relations-communication plan for the Prevention of Cruelty to Kitties. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Kitties works to ensure that people’s cats are spade and neutered, and you take in strays on a temporary basis, hoping that they’ll be adopted. You’ve been under a little...

5 Chapters of “Justice: What’s the right thing to do?” by Sandel

Review the first five chapters of the book “Justice: What’s the right thing to do?” by M. J. Sandel. Identify what your review intends to do. Include a very brief overview of the article, its purpose, and your reaction and evaluation. Place the book in context and discuss the criteria...

“Radical Flexibility” of Modern Extremist Movements

Compare modern developments to past traditions using Gesink’s term radical flexibility. In her article Gesink says that the rise of extremist groups (variously called Islamists, fundamentalists, and in this week’s readings) is not about adhering to an outdated system but about “radical flexibility.” How are modern movements based on ‘modernist’...

A Living Chemist and Their Famous Works or Discoveries

Write about a chemist (a living chemist) and one of their famous works or discoveries. Ask informed questions about the chemistry encountered in everyday life. Relate learning to pop culture or science in the news. How is their work relevant to society? Describe the scholarly scientific research article by the...

Stages in Erik Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development

Analyze Erik Erickson’s theory of psychosocial development and discuss stages of development, including where you are now. First, identify which Erikson stage you are currently experiencing and what you need to do to successfully complete this stage. Second, think of and write down a list of five adjectives you hope...

Evidence-Based Practice and Knowledge in Nursing

What is the definition of evidence-based practice (EBP)? Describe the three key elements that are included in the definition of EBP. From what sources do we acquire knowledge in nursing (hint: there are 8 of them)? These sources often provide a foundation for evidence-based practice questions that nurses create. List...

Examining Populations and Samples in Research

Discuss how to examine populations and samples in research. What is the difference between sampling and a sampling plan or sampling method? Define the following terms: population, target population, and accessible population. What is a generalization, and why is it important? What are inclusion and exclusion sampling criteria? Why is...

The Impact of Cell Phone Use on Young Adults

Discuss what effect cell phone use have on young adults. What are the negative aspects of the influence of cell phones on the minds of young adults? Are they justified by positive influence? Describe the negative aspects, showing an increase in the addictive nature due to other activities and loss...

Magnetic Susceptibility and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sequences

Discuss the role of Magnetic Susceptibility and MRI Sequences. Please focus on the significance and achievements of the topics, the challenges it may have when understanding, and lastly, how this topic connects to Magnetic Resonance Imaging. You can use the following resources: “Magnetic resonance imaging” by Yahya Baba. “The role...

Corporate Governance Theory, Frameworks, and Practice

Select a company and one of its competitors and analyze corporate governance information. The company should preferably be among publicly listed companies due to secondary data having to be publicly available for AIB MBA reports. Based on the disclosed information and relevant governance legislation, principles, guidelines, and theories, evaluate your...

Microscope: Researching the Innovation

Learn about the innovation of the microscope to help scientists to understand the natural world. The goal is to investigate how microscope innovation helps scientists understand the natural biological world. Investigate the innovation of the microscope and how it helps scientists to understand the natural world. Discuss the development of...

Analysis of “What’s Going On” Album by Marvin Gaye

Analyze how a rock group or artist presents a socio-cultural critique relevant to their time in a musically and thematically cohesive whole, the concept album. The Album: “What’s Going On” by Marvin Gaye. Listen to the work multiple times, and note any key themes or critiques. What musical elements further...

Conceptual Discussion of Digital Business Management

Familiarize yourself with the conceptual discussion for the topic of digital business management. Demonstrate how you understand the meaning of conceptual definitions in research and developmental activities. Search for research reports and scientific journal articles related to your thesis topic and theme. Choose one concept for further analysis. Choose 2-3...

An Ethical Issue in the Malden Mills Case

Describe the situation and identify the main ethical issue in the case of Malden Mills. Read the article “Malden Mills Burns Down, Shows What an Employer With a Heart Looks Like” by David B. Green. Using two ethical principles or theories, explain how the ethical issue would have been handled...

Diagnosis of Lower Back Pain and Analysis of Patient Complaints

A 42-year-old male reports pain in his lower back for the past month. The pain sometimes radiates to his left leg. In determining the cause of the back pain, based on your knowledge of anatomy, what nerve roots might be involved? How would you test each of them? What other...

Analysis of Climate Change Impacts

Analyze the possible negative impacts of climate change. Rather than providing a descriptive overview, you should make a point and back that up with adequate arguments, evidence, and sources. Make sure that it is clear what you are arguing. Your argument should be relevant to the subject, broadly defined (and...

BlueScope Increasing Efficiency of Production Process

BlueScope wants to find efficiencies in its production process to reduce costs. Discuss which products are the main determinants of production costs in order to create cost-reduction strategies. BlueScope’s largest operating plant is located at Port Kembla, New South Wales. In October 2011, the No.6 Blast furnace, one of two...

The Principle of Procreative Beneficence

Discuss what the principle of procreative beneficence is. What is the principle of procreative beneficence? Raise one objection someone might have to apply this principle broadly (you might consider what sort of traits one would be required to select for or against this view). In your answer, use the reading...

Analysis of “Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah

How does Trevor Noah use humor and storytelling to communicate a specific thematic message to his audience in his book Born a Crime? In his book “Born a Crime”, Trevor Noah combines humor and storytelling to capture the often-traumatic experiences that impacted and shaped his early life in South Africa....

Themes of Loneliness and Distance in the Poem “Transit” by Gabeba Baderoon

Analyze the poem “Transit” (2017) by Gabeba Baderoon and the themes of loneliness and distance in this poem. Analyze how the poet uses diction, poetic techniques, or any other features of language to illustrate the themes of loneliness and distance in this poem. You must quote relevant examples from the...

Theoretical Approaches to Risk and Risk Management

Evaluate the different theoretical approaches to risk and risk management and apply these in an organizational setting. Critically review the nature of risk strategy and strategic risk management and development in respect of supporting those with risk management roles within this. Critically discuss the relationship between strategic risk management (SRM)...

Analysis of Google Inc.’s Innovations

Discuss how technology drives value and change in Google Company. “Many commentators maintain that technology is currently driving important changes in contemporary business organizations. Research shows, however, that technological change at work is a human-centered process that is strongly influenced by firm-specific capacity for managing knowledge-based communities of practice.” Critically...

A Critical Analysis of Person-Centred Therapy

Provide a critical analysis of person-centered therapy. Your overview should demonstrate a sound understanding of the approach. Include information on the rationale for the development of the approach. Provide a synopsis of key components and processes of the approach. Support your answer with relevant and sufficient peer-reviewed literature and research....

Theory and Practice of Nursing

Discuss how nursing theory is core to the discipline of nursing. Analyze the relationship between the components of nursing knowledge evident in nursing theory. We all can agree that nursing knowledge and science are foundational to nursing, but nursing theory is not commonly recognized as being used regularly in nursing...