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What is the role of the social studies teacher?

Social studies teachers have to provide their pupils with a wide variety of approaches and strategies that provide knowledge and evoke interest. Hence, young students can embrace their adventuresome spirits and apply them to learning. The main goal of a social studies teacher is to develop thinking habits and patterns,...

What are the challenges of teaching citizenship in the social studies classroom?

Teaching citizenship is one of the primary objectives of social studies. Hence, teachers must be able to overcome challenges such as political bias. The other challenge is the perception of the subject, which can be viewed by parents and students as less important than, for example, math or chemistry. Therefore,...

How can geography be integrated with other content areas? Give at least two examples.

Geography is one of the most important subjects that should be integrated into social studies. The need for that is dictated by the specific nature of the 21st century, which is characterized by the global economy, migration, and environmental issues. Hence, geography may be incorporated by describing various places in...

Discuss the benefits of incorporating hands-on activities in the social studies classroom. What can students gain from these kinds of experiences? How can social studies instruction be enhanced by real world, hands-on scenarios?

To achieve learning objectives, social studies teachers must incorporate various methods and strategies such as discussion, reading, and writing. The course cannot reach its full effectiveness without hands-on activities in the classroom that allow students to apply their skills and knowledge in practice. Therefore, the essay discusses five examples of...

Is moral virtue within a society really analogous to moral virtue within an individual person? Argue that it isn’t, to the best of your ability. If your argument is correct, how does that affect the truth of Plato’s argument in the Republic?

Moral virtues constitute the essence of the well-being of an individual and a state or society. According to Plato, moral virtues include four primary elements, namely wisdom, courage, temperance, and justice. These virtues are characteristic of individuals and citizens. In such a manner, the difference between a person and a...

Should social life be organized so that people can participate regardless of whether they have a disability?

Social life and interaction are important for people as social beings. In particular, participation in community activities can benefit one’s emotional well-being and mental health, reduce anxiety, and improve connections and social circles. Therefore, social life should be inclusive of all people regardless of whether they have a disability. According...

Who should be included to participate in social life?

Acceptance in social life is essential for all people with disabilities. Therefore, everyone should be included and enabled to participate in various activities to the best of their abilities. Family support is essential for people with disabilities, but social inclusion can provide additional benefits. Social networks must enable individuals to...

Where do attitudes come from, and how are they formed?

People are not born with specific attitudes. Attitudes are learned through experience or as a result of social interaction. Parents may teach their children certain attitudes, showing how their preferences and dislikes structure their lives. However, a person’s personal experience may modify whatever attitudes he acquired due to social interaction...

What is the difference between societal and situational deviance?

As a rule, a significant and exceptional contrast between societal and situational deviance lies in the form, scale, and nature of the manifestation of these phenomena. For instance, within the framework of social deviation, people’s behavior, actions, and deeds are considered from generally accepted norms and rules. According to Goode...

How do macro-level factors influence sexuality?

Two major macro-level factors that impact sexuality are biological and cultural. Biological factors may influence the amount and kinds of sexual activities necessary for a person and the preferred sex of their partner. For example, active sex life is crucial for some people, while others can be asexual; some feel...

Explain the differences between women’s and men’s communication patterns.

I believe that generally, men are more self-assured, and women are more careful. It affects their communicative behavior: men talk more when there are important business discussions, do not hesitate to express their opinion, and are more straightforward. They seem to spend less time on doubts, specifications, details, or trying...

Explain the term poverty line. Which Americans are most likely to live in a household with an income below the poverty line? What is meant by “the feminization of poverty”?

Poverty has been defined differently and measured with various tools in society. The poverty line is described as a threshold or the point below which an individual’s income is insufficient for basic needs. Age, gender, and geographic location are some of the factors that determine poverty levels. According to Stebbins...

To what extent are sexual orientation and gender identity matters of individual choice?

Sexual orientation refers to one’s sexual, emotional, or romantic attraction to others. Gender identity is about a person’s perception of their own gender. There are many debates about these two concepts, in particular, whether they are a matter of individual choice. Sexual orientation and gender identity refer to embracing one’s...

How do legal rights shape public perceptions and social acceptance of sexual minorities?

There seems to be a direct connection between legal rights and public perceptions, and social acceptance of sexual minorities. In particular, research by Aksoy et al. (2020) revealed that the legal adoption of LGBT rights has a positive influence on the general public’s attitude toward same-sex relationships. Considering that at...

How does sexuality matter in terms of how and who can access citizenship rights?

Sexual orientation is considered to be an illegal reason for discrimination, along with race, gender, age, and other factors. However, it varies around the world, and in some countries, people with non-heterosexual sexual identity are not only rejected access to citizenship rights but also prosecuted by law. In countries with...

Why are intersectional analyses crucial to understanding how work (and inequitable working conditions) operates as a critical social determinant of health? What kinds of inequities do intersectional analyses identify and illuminate that other sorts of research fail to notice?

An intersectional approach must be taken when looking at health disparities because it sheds light on social inequity, health-related social factors, and power structures. There are numerous advantages to the current biomedical model that it does not have. As a starting point for researchers, they must be aware of the...

Discuss the “culture of keeping going” concerning the contention that economic health is prioritized over the fitness and health of individuals, families, and communities.

In the long run, a person’s health and happiness are directly impacted by the quality of their relationships with family. The families of the elderly become increasingly challenging as they grow older due to the variety of connections with their children, the competing demands on their time, and caregiving responsibilities....

Compare and contrast informational and normative conformity. Provide examples.

Informational conformity occurs when people turn to a group searching for information — for example, deciding which products to buy or which members of the group who are not part of the group can be trusted. Normative conformity means a change in behavior and beliefs due to this collection of...

In Your Opinion, Should Prostitution Be Legalized?

The legalization of prostitution can lead to a general decrease in the moral norms of society. However, it can also contribute to positive changes, such as reducing the level of sexually transmitted diseases and recognizing prostitution as a type of commercial activity involving taxation of income. The legal position of...

What Types of Strategies Should Be Used to Reduce Drug Use in the U.S.?

The problem of drug use is a fundamental problem in US society. Even though the government tries to prevent the active usage of drugs by a particular regulation, the general situation stays the same. This happens because the problem has deeper roots in people’s psychology and drug-abuse prevention awareness. The...

How do cultural competence and inter-professional practice affect how we approach therapy? What considerations must we incorporate into our practice.

Cultural competency has gained traction as the center of competitive advantage and customer satisfaction in therapy and among speech-language pathologists. A typical challenge with cultural competency entails stereotypes: expectations of professional therapists due to the effects of their orientation of race, nationality, region, or gender. Speech-language pathologists are tempted into...

List and describe 5 communication goals for EI/Preschool. How may each of them be targeted in therapy?

Learning to communicate in early childhood provides a basis for interacting with future life. Excellent communication skills are essential for survival in the growing competition in the millennial business and social world. The importance of investing in children’s communication skill development can never be overestimated. Efficient child therapy should thus...

Select a proverb from the Igbo culture that you can apply to a some experience in your life. Post your selection and include your own interpretation of the meaning and why you find it of interest.

The choice of words and subjects makes the bizarre proverb while at the same time passing crucial moral lessons. “A child whose father suffers from scrotal elephantiasis is never afraid of the scrotum of an adult.” A child who grows seeing the nakedness of their parents may not be amused...

How are Islam, Muslims, Arabs and Muslim or Arab culture represented in Hollywood movies (vocabulary, imagery used, and ideology constructed)? In your answer, provide specific analyses and examples: ex. Muslim Women; Muslim men; Islamic culture, etc. and their representation.

Muslim and Arab culture and ideology are incredibly problematic topics for Hollywood. Although such characters are found everywhere in films, their presentation is extraordinarily distorted and far from reality. Arabs and Muslims are often portrayed in Hollywood films in two guises: representatives of aggressive groups, bandits and murderers, or representatives...

Discuss the relationship between the War on Drugs and population control.

The problem is that in American society, there are millions of people who, for various social and psychological reasons, are inclined to buy drugs. Such social prerequisites for drug addiction exist in one way or another in all countries of the world, but the United States is the largest economy...

Discuss a criticism of the War on Drugs.

One of the significant aspects of the criticism of the War on Drugs was that the motives for the fight against hemp production were largely economic – and were easily canceled in case of real need. For example, during World War II, when supplies of jute from India and hemp...

Find an example of someone failing to use their sociological imagination when talking about or describing some social problem. Be sure to refer to the C. Wright Mills reading to explain how your example illustrates this absence of sociological imagination.

When analyzing and perceiving their actions, people might refer to their individual experiences or motivations or tie their behavior to the larger social context. According to Mills, to obtain a rational and complete perspective of one’s experiences as a member of society, people should combine the application of biographical and...

Halloween is arguably a time of year when a number of social facts normally in force lose some of their weight or influence upon us. Find a Halloween-related example where some social fact appears to be weakened or suspended at this time. Be sure to explain Emile Durkheim’s concept, social fact, as part of your response.

Indeed, Halloween is the time when people break the rules in order to entertain themselves and follow the traditions of the holiday. It is a commonly observed traditional aspect of the holiday that people wear costumes, do make-up, and practically transform into identities that they are not. Importantly, the themes...

Discuss the relationship between the opioid epidemic and capitalism.

It is important to note that capitalism is one of the main causes of the drug epidemic in the world. The fact is that marketing is indirectly at work in this sphere. For example, wealthy rappers often mention psychoactive substances in their work, which leads to associations between drugs and,...

Discuss the stereotypes of Black male bodies from the past, history that have been put on or influence how white people view Black NBA players in the present.

The stereotypes of Black male bodies that exist these days come from the biases towards Black men from the times of slavery. Back then, enslaved men were seen as animalistic and threatening. As Black slaves forcibly participated in sports to entertain the White population, biases of them being physically strong...

Explain how Rachel Griffin uses critical race theory to explain the new age rule instituted in the NBA after the player-fan brawl in 2004. In other words, what is her argument and how does she the specific tenets of CRT to support her theory that the rule is the result of racism?

In the aftermath of the brawl between players and fans in 2004, a commissioner called to increase the age requirement for NBA players from the age of 18 to 20. While there are six tenets of critical race theory (CRT), in her article, Rachel Griffin focuses on interest convergence, racism,...

What is wrong with tolerance?

Tolerance nowadays is perceived as a necessary element of a functioning democracy in society and the world. Many ideas of tolerance are frowned upon by a large number of individuals. If people think in these categories, people should be equally opposed to war and tolerant of military conflicts in the...

Summarize Chapter 11 of Work and Leisure by John T. Haworth and A. J. Veal.

This chapter offers a conceptualization of knowledge about serious leisure time as an essential part of human activity aimed at personal development. In the first section after the introduction, the author discusses the framework between serious and casual leisure, where the former is a more deliberate activity aimed at improving...

Summarize Chapter 3 of Leisure: An Introduction by Stephen J. Page and Joanne Connell.

The key focus of this chapter is to discuss the significance and theoretical framework of leisure as a form of human activity. Section no. 1 provides a diagram that illustrates the multifactorial of leisure as a system. It is discussed that leisure time correlates with individual socialization, as spending leisure...

According to award-winning writer and reporter Naomi Klein, Howarth’s controversial study on fracking “was the first peer-reviewed research on the greenhouse gas footprint of shale production,” whose findings have been bolstered by “a steady stream of newer work.” The anti-fracking article, however, remains controversial. With this information in mind, please respond to the following prompts. Cathles et al. suggest that Howarth et al.’s arguments “fail on four critical points.” Briefly summarize two of these points, and assess whether Howarth’s team’s rebuttal effectively addresses the criticism made by Cathles et al. Support your assessment with textual evidence. Ultimately, which argument do you believe? Why do you find it persuasive?

Firstly, Cathles et al. state that Howarth’s team overestimates the number of methane emissions by assuming that most gas captured is leaked into the atmosphere and using inappropriate data without any evidence. Howarth et al. admit that they used data on captured gas as a surrogate for vented emissions. However,...

Some China observers pointed out that the rise of territorial nationalism (Taiwan, South China Sea etc.) and anti-American nationalism in China serve as readily available and useful tools for the Communist Party of China to divert the Chinese public’s attention away from domestic problems including systemic corruption, environmental pollution and other social economic issues and channel Chinese anger toward China’s external threats. These strands of Chinese nationalism serve to legitimate the one-party rule in China as the sole defender of the Chinese nation. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this observation?

In many cases, the concentration of the global public’s attention on external political issues diverts the consideration of particular internal problems. In this respect, China’s strategy to intensify the conflict with Taiwan might be a useful tool for distracting the global community’s attention from the communist rule’s problems inside China....

Describe the specific ways that different groups, including minorities and immigrants, are criminalized in this country. What are the effects of this criminalization? Refer to the Vargas reading “My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant.”

Various groups, including minorities and immigrants, are criminalized, and it plays a great effect on those people’s lives. Sometimes, even living itself can be considered criminalization which is proved in Vargas’ reading. In the example of illegal immigrants, it is depicted that are located in the United States without any...

Watch the video “Violence against women—it’s a men’s issue” by Jackson Katz. Discuss what might occur if a woman were to propose the same ideas in the same way as Katz.

In his presentation, Katz mentions that the public generally expresses negative feelings about female feminist activists due to focusing on the messenger rather than the message. Therefore, if a woman were to propose the same ideas in the same way as Katz, she would most likely face negative outcomes. As...

Experimental research design is concerned with constructing research that is high in causal (internal) validity. Identify and explain four types of extraneous variables.

The first type is situational variables, which include the environmental aspects, such as lighting conditions, temperature, and wind, affecting the subjects’ behavior. These aspects need to be controlled so that all the conditions are the same for all participating groups, for example, by using standardized instructions. Therefore, situational variables can...

Watch the video “Violence against women—it’s a men’s issue” by Jackson Katz. Discuss how violence against women hurts men and boys as well.

According to Katz’s presentation, male violence against women in families traumatizes the children. Therefore, violence against women cultivates violent habits among young boys, who start expressing violence towards other boys and, later, other men. Thus, Katz suggests that both men and women have to suffer from the violence against women...

What social and institutional mechanisms work against those who are classified as transgender?

Transgender people face discrimination in various aspects of their lives due to social and institutional mechanisms. In particular, they include unequal protection of fundamental rights in educational institutions and in the workplace based on the individual’s gender identity. Dress code and appearance expectations based on binary norms also affect transgender...

What social and institutional mechanisms work against those who are classified as women?

There are various social and institutional mechanisms discriminating against those who are classified as women. From an early age, gender norms and expectations are imposed on females, with varying levels of severity in different countries. Furthermore, there are direct and indirect factors that contribute to gender discrimination against women. They...

What is sex? What is gender?

Sex and gender are two separate terms that cannot be used interchangeably. Sex is the difference in physiological and biological characteristics between men, women, and intersex people. It is defined at birth and based on physical features and chromosome composition. In turn, gender is a spectrum involving more categories than...

How do the Argumentative and Alternative Communication systems for beginning developmental disabilities and communicators differ from those the adult users?

The systems for the beginning of developmental disabilities and communicators vary from adults’ procedures and symbolism. When it comes to adults, the discussed approaches are different because the latter have well-developed speech and AAC management. They can access the devices on their own because of their daily encounter and communication...

Watch the video “Violence against women—it’s a men’s issue” by Jackson Katz. Discuss two other ways in which men can be involved in active feminism.

As methods for men’s participation in feminism introduced by Katz were mainly focused on peer culture or leadership among male counterparts, there are other ways for men to actively participate in the feminist movement. The first essential way is participating in a mutually respectful partnership with a woman and expressing...

Watch the video “Violence against women—it’s a men’s issue” by Jackson Katz. Discuss who you think Katz’s audience is for this presentation. Is he reaching the people that need to be reached with this information? Explain.

Even though most of the audience for Katz’s presentation were women, he used the platform to try to reach the intended audience of his presentation. Katz’s presentation is mainly oriented toward men who express violence and those who do not do enough to stop them. While it seems that the...

The categorical imperative is an essential component of deontology. In the reading, it says, “…categorical imperatives simply take the form, “do x.”” Find this passage in the reading and explain it in your own words.

According to Kant’s school of thought, moral rules and obligations are universal and unchanging – regardless of the circumstances, there is only one right set of actions a person can take. These categorical imperatives that the passage refers to do not offer conditions or references and assume that regardless of...

What are some suggestions you would give to chaplains when student-athlete shares that someone in his or her family has passed away?

Family is the anchor of one’s spiritual, emotional, and psychological strength. Therefore, by losing a member, one’s world crumbles. It is at such moments that such student-athletes need moral, psychological, and spiritual backing from their chaplains and other close associates. A chaplain’s core duty is to revive and support emotionally...

As a chaplain, what do you say to a student-athlete who has a season-ending injury?

Season-ending injuries not only bring to a halt the normal life experiences of a student but also affect them psychologically. It is, therefore, imperative that in such depressing moments, such students are re-affirmed of their true potential with the talents the almighty Lord has granted them and be dissuaded from...

Now that you have learned more about how social patterns in the modern world can seem overwhelmingly powerful, how has this affected your understanding of your own feelings of passiveness or powerlessness in the face of society’s complexity?

I suppose that everyone has noticed that our negative emotions throughout the day are often caused by reasons related to the society we live in. Now I understand that I experience these negative feelings due to clear factors that lie in the basis of our society. One of the reasons...

Watch the video “The Truth About Growing Up Disabled” by Dylan Alcott. What did you learn from this experience or presentation?

This presentation helped me understand that growing up disabled is not easy today because, despite having a general idea of this condition, people continue sharing wrong information. The speaker proves that people with disabilities do not expect support or compassion from healthy individuals but the possibility to live the same...

Watch the video “The Truth About Growing Up Disabled” by Dylan Alcott. What was your reaction to what you saw, heard, and experienced? How did you feel? Why do you think you reacted this way?

Although the theme of disability is not new to modern citizens, for some reason, not many individuals know how to treat those who have disabilities and continue making mistakes and developing biased judgments. What I saw in the video is just another proof that today’s society is not ready for...

Why is there violence in the United States?

Violence in the United States of America is instigated by people and their differences over various social issues. The United States experiences political violence in some states due to political differences. Also, racism in the country supports violent cases when, for example, the blacks try to fight for their rights....

Using the website, identify recently proposed health policy legislation. Research the background for the problem or issue being addressed by the policy.

The politicians introduced a Bill that involves the incorporation of a different package that encompasses an increase in revenue intake and focuses on the recovery of the economy. The key sector highly affected by the framework is healthcare due to the necessity to address the issue arising from the COVID-19...

What do you think about the “fake news”?

The concept of fake news is a multifaceted phenomenon with two-sided overviews based on necessity. Technological advancement fostered the intensification of the sharing of information internationally. In this case, people rely on networking sites to attain advanced details regarding certain insights. On the one hand, the false report triggers an...

Much of the policy analysis that is used in public debates today comes from interest groups that are strongly committed to one side of the issue or another or from think tanks that espouse a particular ideology on the left or the right. Do you think these policy commitments make the quality of the analysis suspect? Why or why not?

The analysis of a policy mainly relies on the parties’ ability to defend a particular concept objectively based on the historical and progressive overview. In this case, the involvement of participants with a common ideology is an approach that renders proficient results during a debate due to the necessity to...

Displacement in Beijing differs from displacement in New York City. What distinguishes it from urban relocation in the West? Gentrification, according to Ruth Glass, is a long-term process of local change. Can we call it gentrification if that’s the case? Give a specific example.

In Beijing, locals were displaced by affluent developers after the Olympics. The displacement in Beijing differs from that of New York in terms of speed and protocols. In Beijing, the people were evicted with no chance of remaining in the city, while in New York, the developers came slowly, and...

Do you think “your luxury is our displacement” and “gentrification is the new colonialism” are true? Explain why if you do. Explain why you don’t agree with them if you don’t. Give whatever examples you must back up your claim.

The phrases “your luxury is our displacement” and “gentrification is the new colonialism” accurately describe gentrifiers’ behaviors. This is because gentrifiers come to develop an otherwise poor locality and therefore tend to undermine the locals. They have a culture of neglect and taking advantage of disadvantaged populations in the regions...

Identify and briefly explain with examples five types of non-experimental designs discussed in the course.

Single Variable Research Design Single variable research design focuses on only one variable as opposed to how two or more variables statistically differ from each other. Research employing this design does not address statistical relationships, which makes it unpopular. Correlational Research Design The correlational research design involves the investigators comparing...

Explain with examples the main effects of a 2 x 2 factorial design and the interaction effect of the same 2 x 2 factorial design. Be sure to identify and label the levels of the independent variables.

A 2 x 2 factorial design examines three variables, one dependent and two independent. For example, some people volunteered to participate in research to determine the relationship between individual and combined effects of the initial diagnosis based on the type of therapy they received. Half of them had social anxiety,...

Experimental research design is concerned with constructing research that is high in causal (internal) validity. Identify and discuss eight threats to internal validity.

The first threat is history, which entails how external factors or events of the study affect the research’s outcomes when they occur due to time passing. Thus, the specific occurrences between the first and second measurements threaten internal validity. The second threat is maturation, which entails the effects of the...

Experimental research design is concerned with constructing research that is high in causal (internal) validity. Define demand characteristics in psychological experiments. Describe two ways an experimenter can eliminate the problem of demand characteristics.

In psychological experiments, demand characteristics are subtle cues from which study subjects can discover the research’s aims and alter their behavior in a way that fits the experiment. The first way an experimenter can eliminate demand characteristics is by deception. This will make participants behave more naturally because they cannot...

What is your personal worldview?

Every individual has their own worldview that reflects their general approach to the world, human nature, and life itself. As for me, I would describe my personal worldview as non-religious. I do not consider myself to belong to a religion and turn to other philosophies to provide me with answers...

What has shaped your worldview?

I believe that a number of factors have shaped my worldview in its current state, including my age, cultural background, core values, education, social interactions, and personal experiences. My love for science and logic contributes to my non-religious outlook on life. Furthermore, I do not recall any spiritual or religious...

How important are evidence and discovery to shaping your worldview?

Since my current worldview is based primarily on information and logic, evidence and discovery are important in shaping it. I am a skeptical person who needs substantial reasoning to underpin assumptions. I would like to believe in some higher power that supports the essence and purpose of humankind on Earth,...

Identify one human service agency or organization. Do some online research and then answer the following questions: How is it sponsored? Is it profit-making or non-profit, define what makes it so? What are the stated goals of the agency? What needs does the agency attempt to meet? What population is served?

Red Cross is a private human service agency that aims at preventing and reducing human suffering when faced with emergencies through mobilizing volunteers and donors. The organization is sponsored privately as it receives monetary donations from different entities, including the government, companies, individuals, and universities. Red Cross has been a...

Read “Multicultural Counseling Competencies and Standards: A Call to the Profession” by Sue, Arredondo, & McDavis from Journal of Counseling & Development (1992). After reading this article, what are your views about your level of multicultural competence? How might your level of multicultural competence assist you in developing an attitude of inclusion and openness as a behavioral health paraprofessional?

I believe that I am relatively aware of the unfair biases and stereotypes that have been instilled in me by society, but this article helped me understand that multicultural competence is an ongoing process without an endpoint. This knowledge will help me develop practices that are sensitive to the client’s...

Do you think that having women occupy the majority of senior executive positions in an organization indicates that women have equal opportunity in the workplace? Why?

I believe that having women occupy the majority of senior executive positions is an overall positive sign for inclusivity matters but is not a definitive factor of equality. At present, racial and gender equality is not only a basic human right but also a representation of the company’s values. Ultimately,...

After reading the article “Tip Sheet: Conscious Discipline: Connection Requires Four Critical Elements”, and Connections: I Love You Rituals come up with a fifth component that you think is needed for creating a connection with children.

The Tip Sheet for conscious discipline lists four components necessary to form a meaningful and effective connection with children. In order of appearance, these are eye contact, presence, touch, and playfulness. However, there is at least one more important component to forming the connection in question – listening. Description of...

Cross-cultural research clearly demonstrates that background, experience and culture can influence perception. For example, there are cultural differences for some visual illusions there are cultural differences in the perception of geometric figures, and cultural differences in the perception of color – to name a few. Your task is to describe an example of how your perceptions are influenced by your personal experiences.

From various successful cross-cultural types of research, it is evident that individuals’ past experiences and cultural backgrounds affect their perception of given issues. The knowledge an individual has been exposed to, especially in the past, influences how one perceives life situations in the future. This is particularly evidenced where the...

Listen to a podcast on the topic of “Hooking Up” and share your thoughts or reactions. NPR interviewed author and sex researcher Lisa Wade on this topic. You can listen to the 24-minute podcast entitled “Hookup Culture: The Unspoken Rules of Sex on College Campuses.”

The podcast dwells on the fact that the social life of university students is characterized by the existence of a specific culture of sex. Students go to parties, and they constantly engage in casual sexual relations. Sex without commitment and further continuation of communication is becoming the norm. Two facts...

Self-help groups are basically mutual-help groups made up of people who have similar problems. They fall somewhere in between traditional social supports and formal agencies. Please select one self-help group. Do some online research and then answer the following questions: What problem are they looking to help (i.e. what is their mission statement)? You should be able to find this information somewhere on the main webpage. Where and how often do they meet? Try and find something that is in your local area. Who do they include or exclude from this help? What does it take to participate? Add the link to their website where you found this information.

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) seeks to ensure that every addict around the world gets an opportunity to understand the organization’s message despite their background for a chance to have a new way of life. NA meetings are available locally in America and other countries worldwide and are conducted daily. Members meet...

Read “Multicultural Counseling Competencies and Standards: A Call to the Profession” by Sue, Arredondo, & McDavis from Journal of Counseling & Development (1992). What surprised you as you read the Knowledge and Skills sections of this article? Why?

It surprised me that the guidelines included becoming involved with minority individuals in informal contexts to gain a multidimensional perspective. Although I understand the reasoning behind this recommendation, I was not aware that professional guidelines could touch upon counselors’ personal life. It also strikes me as somewhat ethically questionable to...

What is the Theory of Mind (TOM) and how is it involved in knowing if others know what we know? How is TOM involved in conforming to social norms and empathy for others? How are mirror neurons involved in TOM? What is empathy? Do you believe that consciousness is needed for TOM? Why or why not?

Theory of mind (TOM) is the capacity to understand epistemic and motivational mental states and their impact on people’s actions. The different mental states include intentions, wishes, feelings, beliefs, and knowledge. Therefore, it affords people the knack to envisage and construe the actions of others, thereby helping others know what...

Are things that happened in the past – such as slavery and genocide in the United States – only matters of history, or do they continue to shape social life today?

Unfortunately, even though historical periods involving slavery and genocide are in the past, racism is still present in the United States. It continues to shape today’s society and prevents equal access to opportunities for people of color. Structural racism refers to the way racial inequalities are embedded in society and...

The fight or flight response (also known as the acute stress response) is often used as an explanation of how we behave to a threatening or stressful situation. Your task is to describe a situation in which the fight or flight response would be activated. As you describe the situation, explain the process of changes in your brain related to the fight or flight response. How do you know when the fight or flight response has been activated? What is the purpose of the fight or flight response? Can we modulate the response consciously? Why or why not?

The fight or flight response, or acute stress response, entails the bodily reaction to a frightening or traumatic occurrence involving the flow of stress hormones produced by the body through well-orchestrated biological changes. An instance of a threatening situation would be encountering a wild dog along the jogging track early...

What are two risk factors for intimate partner violence?

Sexual and reproductive health IPV can cause a variety of adverse sexual and reproductive health effects in women, including unsafe abortion, unwanted pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infections such as pelvic inflammatory disease, sexual dysfunction, HIV, and pregnancy complications. IPV can directly impact women’s reproductive and sexual health, such as sexually...

Is race a biological fact or a cultural idea with no basis in biology?

The concept of race has existed in society for a long time. It involves categorizing people based on their physical attributes, culture, and behaviors. Modern scientists and sociologists argue that race is not a biological fact but a cultural idea associated with prejudice, inequality, and white supremacy. According to Prontzos,...

How does a person’s race shape how they are perceived, how they are treated, and the opportunities they can access?

As a result of the race-based differentiation of people, many individuals are discriminated against and perceived as inferior by society, which severely affects their lives. Historically, many ethnic groups have faced various consequences of racism, including the slave trade, genocide, racial segregation, and socio-economic inequalities. Education and job opportunities are...

We are social beings. As we go places and perform activities, we generally have to interact with others. These others are often strangers. But we have to be able to convey, as well as read, the moods and emotions of others. How do we do this? That is, how do you know the mood and emotions of others? Is it easier of the other person is someone you know? Can talking to the person provide information on emotion or mood? With these questions in mind, describe a situation where you had to assess the emotion of someone else you did not know before interacting with them.

No day goes without a person meeting a stranger; new faces are born every day; thus, meeting familiar faces would be unfair. To add to this, every human being on earth has an emotional capacity that cannot be hidden from onlookers – living minus emotional intelligence points to a predicament...

Stereotyping is typically described as the tendency to assume that specific attributes can be applied to members of the group. Someone might think all motorcycle riders go to motorcycle rallies, or all minivan drivers have families. That is, we assume something about a group member just because of group membership. Research indicates people hold more stereotypes for groups in which they do not belong. Why is this the case? It is noteworthy that not all stereotypes are prejudiced or discriminatory. Why not? How can prejudiced or discriminatory stereotypes adversely affect emotion and group conformity? What areas of the brain are involved in stereotypes? With these questions in mind, describe an example of prejudiced stereotyping and explain the potential stereotype threat.

When people stereotype, it is because of a familiar feature that has been witnessed in an institution or a group of people. Stereotypes are, thus, generalizations about a group whose simplicity is overstated since “a person’s thoughts and actions are influenced by other people.” When people do not belong to...

What was it like to spend time outside? Where did you go, what did you do? What did you notice, and did this change over time? How did being present within the world of living beings around you relate to what you have learned in the course?

The life of humanity has never been measured, but there have been many changes in the last year. One such event is the coronavirus pandemic, which forced hundreds of thousands of people to stay home, forgetting about walking in the fresh air. Unfortunately, the reality is that it was an...

In your view, are the terrorists winning? If yes, then what does that mean and how do you know? If no, then what does that mean and how do you know?

From my viewpoint, in spite of terrorist acts’ incidence, the world’s security forces are currently winning in the long-term terrorist war, whereas the terrorists are losing their positions with regard to the opportunity to intimidate the population. The opinion that counter-terrorist forces succeed means that the most influential terrorist groups...

On her 16th birthday, the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Malala Yousafzi addressed the U.N. as a devout Muslim who had been shot in the head by the Taliban in Pakistan in 2012. Listen to her speech and then share your response to her views on terrorists and how she has chosen to respond. Is Malala a pacifist? Is she arguing against just war theory?

In her motivational speech at the Youth Convention, Yousafzai tells her personal story involving the Taliban and provides some hints linked with her position on revenge and the so-called just war. The speaker’s pacifism is quite evident; in the purpose statement, the girl makes it clear that she is not...

“Students must therefore work without any wish to gain good marks, to pass examinations, to win school successes; without any reference to their natural abilities and tastes: applying themselves equally to all their tasks, with the idea that each one will help to form in them the habit of that attention which is the substance of prayer. When we set out to do a piece of work, it is necessary to wish to do it correctly, because such a wish is indispensable if there is to be true effort.” Summarize the main point of this quotation in 1 sentence. Do you agree or disagree with this quotation? Explain why. How might you use this quotation to help you flourish in Math 102? Explain the relationship (similarities and differences) between this quotation and Philippians 3:14.

The main aspiration of students should not be the desire to succeed without taking into account their abilities, but the desire to do everything right and make the necessary efforts at the same time. I agree with the statement that when a person is going to perform an action, he...

What is child maltreatment?

The abuse and neglect of children under the age of 18 are known as child maltreatment. This encompasses all forms of physical and/or emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, carelessness, and financial or other exploitation in the context of a relationship of duty, trust, or authority that results in real or...