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Why do historians view the American Constitution as the culmination of the Age of Reason?

I agree and support this statement by historians when they say that the American constitutions culminated in the age of reason. This is because intellectual movements characterize the enlightenment period. The philosophers and scientists argued situations and conducted experiments based on logic. The philosophers, alongside scientists, conducted experiments and observations...

The Age of Reason ended with the American Revolution and the Constitution of the United States, while the Age of Romanticism began with the French Revolution. Why were these revolutions so reflective of different periods?

Despite being both revolutionary wars, the movements represent different courses that changed Europe to a greater extent. For example, the American Revolution opposed the British harsh rule and oppression. On the other hand, the French revolution was a movement following heavy taxes imposed by the ruling regime. Moreover, the involvement...

Why did Marx assume that the proletariat must come to power? What did he say it would do once it attained power, and why? What inevitable result did he say would come about?

Karl Marx worked for extremely lower pay. Therefore, he believed that putting the proletariat in ruling power would lessen the existing problems. Moreover, Marx hoped that free labor, higher wages, and a world free of oppression, be it proletariat, would be implemented. Marx argues that with the proletariat, society would...

What made Europe so susceptible to fascism and communism between the wars?

After the First World War, fascism and communism rose when people wanted national unity. Europe was susceptible to fascism and communism between the wars because the war negatively impacted Europe after the First World War. It killed 16 million people and had the economy crushed, leading to unemployment, inflation, and...

What did Hitler’s ideas and speeches reveal about his view of humanity and his knowledge of human needs and emotions? What developments since the early 1920s had made people feel “small” and “insecure”?

Hitler’s ideas and speeches reveal that he had no support for emotional pogroms, which referred to anti-Jewish violence outbursts. Hitler promoted the notion that the Jews had to be viewed as germs implying that they needed to be eradicated. He believed that the Germans needed space to survive for the...

How did Social Darwinism play into German policy towards the Jews and other subject peoples? How did Social Darwinism play into Japan’s quest for control of resources in its sphere of the world?

Social Darwinism was themed on survival of the fittest in politics, economics, and sociology. The genocide policies of the Nazis promoted the notion that there should be natural prevalence to the strongest, which encouraged fighting among each other such as the killing of the elderly, particular races, and the mentally...

Read the description of the Holocaust. Is the callousness revealed by the existence of “efficient” adjacent murder and cremation facilities more the result of wartime pressures, ideology, or human viciousness? Explain the reasons behind your thinking.

The holocaust resulted from human viciousness because the Jews had been victims of persecution and discrimination since early because of their religion, race, and bloodline. Hitler used the existing hatred to accelerate the animosity between the Germans and the Jews, as he termed them communists. Communism was not different from...

Ideas of the Abolitionist Movement

Analyze the history, development, and ideas of the abolitionist movement. Research ideas on your social movement. What is your position on this social movement? Are you for or against this movement? Please explain why you selected this choice. Do you think that this movement is effective? Why is this movement...

Racism and Oppression From the Times of Slavery to the 60s

Discuss and analyze racism and oppression that has existed since the times of slavery into the 60s with the civil rights movement. Explore the nature, dynamics, and impact of inequality, oppression, and social injustice. Use the 60s action because of Reconstruction’s failure (1865–77), which, by way of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth,...

Historical Sources About the American Civil War

Make an argument based on your evaluation of the historical sources about the American Civil War. Read and demonstrate an understanding of two primary and two secondary sources: “We Feel as Though Our Country Spurned Us”: Soldier James Henry Gooding Protests Unequal Pay for Black Soldiers, 1863; “Mother of a...

History of Bethlehem, a City in Palestine

Discuss and analyze the history of Bethlehem. Where is Bethlehem located? What is the historical and religious significance of this city? Why did Bethlehem become a place of pilgrimage? What is the current status of the city? Share the history of Bethlehem. For your answer, you can use the book...

The Historical Document “A Portrait of Barbados”

Analyze the document “A Portrait of Barbados”. Explore what Ligon’s account can teach historians about the English institutions of servitude and/or slavery in the mid-1600s. Pay attention to the contextual information provided in the editor’s introduction to the document. What sort of information do you get about the document? What...

Social Transition From the Paper Age Into the Digital Age

What changes have occurred to society and culture as they progressed from the paper age into the digital age? Analyze various articles to determine what changes took place during the period between the late 20th century and the early 21st century. You will need to read articles representative of each...

The “Jordan River Anderson, The Messenger” Documentary

Analyze the documentary “Jordan River Anderson, The Messenger.” What truths are presented in the documentary? How are these truths presented? What information does it put forward? What information is left out? Why is watching this video important and relevant today? Can you relate to the viewpoint of this film or...

Latin American Uneven Economic Prosperity

Examine the historical development of Latin America and its uneven economic prosperity. Why were authoritarian figures like Porfirio Diaz allowed to emerge and take power in Latin America? Did Porfirio Diaz have the right idea about how to improve Mexico? Were Mexico’s revolutionary leaders justified in their actions? What was...

Why do you think the Virginia House of Burgesses adopted the first four resolutions but rejected the final three?

Virginia Resolves involved seven resolutions, with five being initially adopted. The first included that inhabitants of the area could maintain their liberties, privileges, franchises, and immunities. The second states may also continue to possess liberties granted within the Realm of England. Third, taxation that would be established would affect those...

Roman Culture and Markers of Roman Virtue

Analyze one of the markers of Roman virtue. Identify and explain how it appears in Greek or Roman culture. Taken together, what does the focus on this aspect of virtue tell us about its importance in the time periods? How much of the legacy represented by Roman ideals of virtue...

Humankind’s Progress and Potential Evolution

What universal similarities or differences shape humankind’s progress and potential evolution in the world today? The themes of human evolution, cultural contributions, and progress are conveyed throughout the early history of humanity. The theme of civilization is noted throughout the history of humankind from its inception to the present era...

Did America Really Practice Isolation and Neutrality During WWI?

Did America really practice isolation and neutrality during WWI? In your opinion, was U.S. policy in Asia and Latin America between from late nineteenth century to 1914 truly isolationist? Discuss and support your response. In your opinion, did America remain neutral in “thought and deed” from 1914 to 1917? Discuss...

How Progressive Was the Progressive Era?

How progressive was the Progressive Era? Compare and contrast the ideas of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois. In your opinion, which of these two men had a better plan? Explain why. When it came to the issue of suffrage, did all women agree? Explain. Which social problem was...

How Do the Japanese See WWII?

How do the Japanese see WWII? Explain the qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research by using the topic of your interests. Also, explain which approach you would use to do your research. Make sure to indicate the nature of the research aims and questions. Read Research Methods for Social Science...

The Characteristics of Colonization Between the Pennsylvania and Georgia

Compare some of the characteristics of colonization between the Pennsylvania and Georgia colonies. To begin with, when we talk about Pennsylvania, discuss the man who it was named for. What is Quakerism? Discuss the beliefs of the Quakers. How did the Pennsylvania colonists live? Discuss the divisions that occur in...

The Emergence of the United Arab Emirates as a Global Soft Power

Discuss the emergence of the United Arab Emirates as global soft power. What is the history of soft power and the definition of soft power? What is the theory and concept of soft power? What are the elements of soft power used at levels (local, regional, international)? What are the...

A Primary Analysis of Some Historical Documents

Provide a primary analysis of some historical document of significant value. Who wrote or created the document, and what makes that person significant to the period of the document/source? Who is the intended audience, and why is that group significant to the period of the document/source? Give a summary of...

Aspects of Labor Union Comparison

Compare the major characteristics of the labor unions of the post-Civil War period. To answer this question, discuss the next controversies. What similarities do you find? What differences? Why did some fail while others succeeded? Provide your arguments.

An Analysis of the Role of Historical Geography

Describe and analyze the role geography played in dividing the nation in the years before the start of the Civil War (from the 1790s to 1861). To answer this question, consider geography as the tool of analysis in understanding the history of the period. You may consider the roles geography...

The Four Common Themes in Native American Mythology

Discuss four common themes in Native American mythology. Why are the narratives referred to as myths and not as fables? To answer this question, investigate what a rite of passage is. Discuss the significance of the vision quest as a rite of passage of Native American Religion. Why are rites...

What occupation did Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists envision as the economic future of America? What occupation did Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans envision as the economic future of America? Identify and explain one reason for each party/individual as to why they thought this occupation was the best for America’s economic future.

Both Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were active in the founding of the U.S. and in revolutionary efforts. Despite having been appointed by President George Washington to work as secretaries of treasury and state, respectively, each had an opposing vision. Hamilton and the Federalists envisioned the promotion of commerce and...

Jefferson believed the people could be governors and foresaw the establishment of an agrarian base in the country where the people would labor on the earth.

With the French playing a significant role in the colonies’ defeat over Great Britain, the relationship between the colonies and the French changed with the French Revolution and subsequent wars. The opinions of the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans further divided the two factions. The democrats seized the struggling revolutionaries against...

Why is the documentary titled “Reluctant Revolutionaries?” Who, exactly, was reluctant, and why?

The documentary is titled “Reluctant Revolutionaries” because it illustrates historical events that happened in 1764 -1774. The reluctant revolutionaries were the Founding Fathers, including Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and John Adams, among others, who decided to implement the idea that ordinary people could govern themselves without kings and noblemen. The...

What eventually motivated the group that would become the “Founding Fathers” to embrace the Revolution? Do you find the “Reluctant Revolutionaries” documentary’s take on this convincing?

In the spring of 1765, the British Parliament introduced The Stamp Act, which announced that Americans must pay taxes not to their local legislatures but directly to England. The Stamp Act implied that colonies were going to be governed and taxed by a parliament in which they had no representatives....

How does Nash think poorer colonists were doing before the Revolution?

The author unambiguously draws a comparison between rich colonists and poorer ones. For instance, inventory assistance was provided to rich colonists more often than to poor colonists. The poverty rate in the colonies was growing steadily. Therefore, at the end of the colonial period, cities spent “three times per capita...

A Timeline of Major Historical and Public Health Events

Create a timeline of major historical and public health events from ancient civilization until 1900. The timeline should be an actual line with periods and events entered in chronological order by year. Do you think that it’s important to know the significant historical events and their impact on present-day public...

Women’s Suffrage Movement and the Nineteenth Amendment

Analyze the women’s suffrage movement and the nineteenth amendment. Describe the causes of the historical event. In other words, what were the underlying factors that led to the historical event? Were there any immediate causes that precipitated the event? Show the course of your historical event. In other words, tell...

Israel-Palestine Conflict Analysis

Make an Israel-Palestine Conflict Analysis. Begin the essay with background information that informs readers and brings them up to speed on any key terms, ideas, or events. This should be brief and direct. Then include three key points of the issue, presenting the perspectives and evidence of each side in...

English Accents in the United States

Discuss English accents in the United States. Practice pulling ideas together from different sources into a coherent argument. Discuss the differences and similarities in the way that each of the Englishes. Analyze the differences and similarities that these languages face from the perspective of extinction. Discuss whether there is a...

Colonization of America: Colonization Theory

Discuss the colonization of America and colonization theory in general. Summarize in your own words, including a bibliography. The more narrow your topic, the more in-depth your research can be. Analyze the question of colonization of the American lands. What were the trade schemes in the United States? Point out...

Thomas Jefferson Advocating for Western Expansion for the U.S.

Analyze the results and impact of the 1812 war on U.S. geography. How was the US drawn into a second war with Great Britain by 1812? What efforts were made by the Jefferson and Madison administrations to avoid conflict? Describe the process by which the US acquired the Louisiana Territory....

“I Have Been to the Mountain Top” by Martin Luther King Jr

Analyze the “I Have Been to the Mountain Top” speech by Martin Luther King Jr. Write a rhetorical analysis of a speech from a leader of a social movement. Mention the clarity of writing, organization, appropriate tone, and other markers of an academic paper. What is this speech inspired by?...

Weapons in Afghanistan: The Taliban’s Spoils of War

Discuss the question of weapons in Afghanistan. Should the US have conducted a withdrawal from Afghanistan? How do you think the US handled the withdrawal? What could or should have been done differently? What will be the American legacy that America has left behind in Afghanistan? How will the withdrawal...

The War of 1812: A Narrative History

Evaluate a narrative history of the war of 1812. Why did the United States go to war with Britain in 1812? Which groups of people supported and opposed the war? Why? Evaluate resuming the stable trade after the Embargo Act. Which were British actions against American interests? Did the war...

Capitalism in Russia: The Rules of Emerging

Explore the topic of capitalism in Russia. Capitalism developed in Russia in a particular way. How did it differ from capitalist development in western or central Europe? To what degree did Russian society reflect the world depicted in the Communist Manifesto? Are there any references in the literature regarding this...

“Public Enemies Era” and Its Heroes

Discuss the context (Great Depression) and if that had an impact on their public persona. Also, include a discussion of the changes made in the criminal justice system because of their exploits. During the Great Depression (1929-1939), there were a series of famous gangsters, such as John. Dillinger, Baby Face...

Mohammad Abdulazeez’s Shooting at Military Recruiting Center

Discuss the Chattanooga shooting at Military Recruiting Center by Mohammad Abdulazeez. Identify and describe the incident and provide historical background. Why was there a shooting at a military recruiting center? Describe the terrorist group(s) involved and their objectives. Who is the criminal? What prompted him to do this? How did...

The Cuban Missile Crisis and US Foreign Policy

Discuss and Analyze the Cuban Missile Crisis. What is the essence of the Caribbean Crisis? What events led to its occurrence? What could lead to the Caribbean Crisis? Discuss why a state engaged in the foreign policy that it did. Provide a theoretical argument supported by evidence as to why...

Analysis of “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King

Analyze “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King. Analyze and critique both the content and style of the artifact. Discuss how the text is constructed, what rhetorical strategies it employs, and how effectively its argument is supported. As you read the text, consider its rhetorical strategies and evaluate its...

Prerequisites and Advantages of Industrialization

Discuss industrialization and its impact on the English industry. What are the prerequisites for industrialization? Specifically, what advantages (political, social, technical, philosophical, etc.) gave England an edge in the Industrial Revolution? Which advantages were most important? Why? Provide original insight and “added value” to the discussion. Outline facts associated with...

The American Revolution’s Impact on Slavery and the Status of Women

Analyze the impact of the American Revolution on both slavery and the status of women in the period from 1775-1800. Present a thesis that makes a historically defensible claim and responds to all parts of the question. Explain how a relevant historical context influenced the topic addressed in the question....

African Slavery in Colonies in the 17th and 18th Centuries

Discuss what factors gave rise to the use of African slavery in the colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries. What led to the growth of slavery in the 17th century? What factors contributed to the growth of slavery in the 18th century? What circumstances led to the growth of...

Influence of Western Expansion Ideas on Imperial Policy

Discuss how the ideas that drove Western Expansion echoed in late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century foreign and imperial policies. How did Western expansion affect the policies of the leading countries? How did this affect the start of the First World War? Be sure to place the item into a detailed...

The Impact of Trans-Saharan Trade on West Africa

Discuss the impact of Trans-Saharan Trade on West Africa. Analyze the impact of Trans-Saharan trade on the region of West Africa. What characterized trans-Saharan trade? What are the four effects of the trans-Saharan trade? You can base your analysis specifically on the empire of Mali or on West African trading...

“An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States” by Dunbar-Ortiz

Analyze the book “An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States” by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz. The purpose of this assignment is to get you thinking critically about the ideas and concepts in the reading. You must address a minimum of 3 separate concepts from the reading. What concepts or elements of...

Did the Allies Win, or Did the Axis Lose, the Second World War?

Did the Allies win, or did the Axis lose the Second World War? Discuss not only the apparent victory but also the real situation of the countries that participated in the war after the Second World War. For example, Britain invested a lot of resources in the war, resulting in...

The History of the Ottoman Empire

Examine the history of the Ottoman Empire. Discuss the history of the Ottoman Empire (broadly covering parts of the Balkans, Anatolia, the Middle East, and parts of northern Africa) from its foundations in the 1300s to its demise in the 1920s. Examine the most important developments in the history of...

How Has European Imperialism Impacted the East African Region?

How has European imperialism impacted the East African region? In answering the question, you should focus on the negative impacts on those native to the region. Also, choose two examples to support your argument on the effects of European imperialism in the East African region. For your answer, use the...

Using Atomic Weapons Against Japan During World War II

The United States has been charged with being morally irresponsible in using atomic weapons against Japan during World War II. Were the United States’ actions justified? What are the explanations that have been offered in support of dropping the atomic bomb? What is your response to these explanations? What are...

The Blame for the Great Depression

Where should we place the blame for the Great Depression? Economists believe the Great Depression was caused by the weaknesses in the 1920s economy, but the person whose name will be forever linked to the depression is President Herbert Hoover. Personally blaming him for the crisis, Americans started to call...

The Reform Movements in America in the Mid-1800s

Discuss one of the reform movements in America in the mid-1800s. The reform movements include the Abolition Movement, Prison & Asylum Reforms, Women’s Rights, The Temperance Movement, Education Reforms, and Factory & Workplace Reforms. In your discussion of one of the reform movements in America in the mid-1800s, you should...

The History of Social Work in America

Explore the history of social work in America. Make sure that you look at these areas, specifically discussing programs and policies that apply to each era: Colonial America, Charity Societies, Progressive Era, New Deal, and Great Society. Do you agree that the expansion of social work was the result of...

James Polk and the Term of Manifest Destiny

Do you believe that the War with Mexico was justified? Why or Why not? What role, if any, did Manifest Destiny play in starting the Mexican-American War? Explain your answer. Make sure to provide examples to support your argument/position.

The Causes and Effects of Slavery

Discuss the causes and effects of slavery and other types of exploitative labor. Discuss three examples of exploitative labor from around the world. Explain what arguments have been used to justify and defend slavery (or, alternatively, to demand abolishment) as well as the motivations for specific systems of labor. Make...

The New Deal Programs in American Society

How did the American people’s perceptions of the role of government—its powers and responsibilities—change in the 1930s because of the New Deal programs? Cite examples from those programs to illustrate your points. How was this changed role a departure from the role the federal government had held before the Great...

American History: Bill of Rights

Discuss the American Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is one of the nation’s important founding documents. Which amendment do you find significant? Which one do you think is controversial in our current society, and why?

The History and Controversies of Democratic Capitalism

Do you see any evidence that the moral, ethical, and spiritual foundation of the American democratic capitalist system is eroding? Do you see any evidence that the moral, ethical, and spiritual foundation of the American democratic capitalist system is eroding? How does that affect the ability of capitalist proponents to...

“History of Education in America” by J.D. Pulliam

Discuss the book “History of Education in America” by J.D. Pulliam. Since the last century, American education has been characterized by the pursuit of three basic goals: making formal education more sensitive and responsive to the perceived learning needs of students, ensuring social equity in the delivery of education, and...

The Motivations of “The San Francisco Committee of Vigilance”

Discuss the motivations of “The San Francisco Committee of Vigilance.” Discuss the motivations of “The San Francisco Committee of Vigilance” and explain why they were in California and what they hoped to achieve. Construct a historical argument for why you believe certain actions were taken and support that argument with...

Who Was Cabeza de Vaca’s Audience

Who was Cabeza De Vaca’s audience for The Account: Alvar Núñez Cabeza De Vaca’s Relación? What information do you think he was trying to get across to his audience? How did he attempt to persuade his audience? Did you find his account credible? Why or why not? How did Cabeza...

Democracy and Its Practical Application

Define democracy and make an argument either in favor of or against its practical application. In what ways is the United States a democratic country, and in what ways is the U.S. an undemocratic country? What should be changed or altered to strengthen democracy in the United States? Consider that...

Ancient Works in the Modern World

Discuss the topic of ancient works in the modern world. Namely, Black Panther Origin. Use the key terms (relevant to your topic): provenance, didactic, reparation, folklore, scripto continua, illumination, serials, etc. Investigate when, where, why, and by whom this concept originated. What are the features of the original story? Can...

The Shock of Hiroshima: The Japanese Bomb Projects

Provide your understanding of the topic of a reexamination of the shock of Hiroshima: the Japanese Bomb Projects and the Surrender Decision by Tristan Grunow. Open with a general description of the topic and/or problem addressed by the work in question. The review should, as concisely as possible, summarize the...

Human Evolution, Progress, and Natural Rights

What universal similarities or differences shape humankind’s progress and potential evolution in the world today? What is human evolution and progress? What did Locke say in relation to natural rights? How did the history of the time in relation to slavery, revolution, and the birth of the American nation come...

Comparing Cultural Artifacts in the Historical Context

Select two cultural artifacts and discuss the relationship between each cultural artifact and its respective historical context. Under what circumstances was each artifact created? Describe the historical context for each of the cultural artifacts based on information from the resources. Situate each of the works in the time period and...

US History and How It Connects With the Present

Discuss US history and how it connects with the present. Describe your current understanding of the four essential outcomes in the context of your personal or professional life. Explain a historical example that illustrates the connection between history and the four outcomes. Describe a potential topic for your course project...

France’s Colonial Expansion in Africa and Asia

French politician Jules Ferry fueled his country’s quest to compete in the European race to conquer foreign territory at the end of the nineteenth century. Discuss what the arguments for and against colonialism were. Jules Ferry believed that imperialism and colonialism were not only economically necessary but morally justifiable. Why...

Consolidation of Christianity in Western Civilization History

Discuss the consolidation of Christianity as a turning point in Western Civilization history. Considering the history of this religious movement and its interaction with the Roman Empire, discuss how Christianity shaped/changed the culture and politics of Rome throughout its first nine hundred years (years 1 – 900) and therefore established...

Fine Habits: Opium & Morphine Users in British Columbia to 1914

Discuss the history of opium & morphine users in British Columbia to 1914. Why was opium legal in Victoria? Why was it the Chinese who owned factories and dens, and how each side benefited from it, including owners, consumers, and authorities? It is interesting to know the consequences of the...

US Foreign and Domestic Policy in the Late 19th – Early 20th Century

Analyze U.S. foreign and domestic policy from the end of the 19th century to the mid-20th century. The U.S. experienced unprecedented growth both at home and abroad in those years, but with that growth came ”growing pains” as the country grappled with reconciling its ideals and values (freedom, democracy, justice,...

Attributes of Aztec Civilization

Analyze the attributes of Aztec civilization. Interpret (summarize) in writing the following selected attributes of Aztec civilization: The social hierarchy of pipiltins and macehualtins; Social classes of Mayeques, Tlacotins, and Tlatoques; History of The Triple Alliance, Calmecac, and Telpochcalli; Death beliefs and the three afterlife places; The Fifth World of...

Ethnic Minorities in Ancient Egypt

Discuss ethnic minorities in ancient Egypt. Summarize the conclusions of historians on this topic. Tell us about which ethnic minorities and how they influenced the development of Ancient Egypt. Summarize your findings about what historians have argued about the topic. What theories and approaches exist in the study of this...

The Decline of the Ottoman and the Qing Empires

Discuss the decline of the Ottoman and Qing Empires and the reasons for this decline. Analyze both internal and external factors that influenced these civilizations. Is it the job of the Historian to highlight the role that European civilizations played in these events? Should the Historian assign “blame”? Do you...

King’s “I Have a Dream” Speech and Civil Rights Movement

Analyze Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech given in Washington, D.C., and explain if the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s effectively changed the nation. What effect would the Civil Rights Acts have across the continent on minority groups? Do you think that the tactics and strategies...

“Monroe Doctrine” and Latin America

Discuss the “Monroe Doctrine” and its influence on US relationships with Latin America. Who wrote the “Monroe Doctrine”? What events in Latin America prompted this document? How did this document impact later relations between the United States and the Countries of Latin America? In what ways does this document (and...

French, American, and Haitian Revolutions: Contrast and Comparison

Compare and contrast the French, American, and Haitian revolutions. Discuss the causes of each revolution, key people in each revolution, key events in each revolution, and outcomes of the French, American, and Haitian revolutions. Explain whether or not you think the French, American, and Haitian revolutions are mainly similar or...

The US Government’s Policy of Genocide Toward Native Americans

Discuss the US government’s policy of genocide toward Native Americans. Why did the US government pursue a two-pronged policy of physical and cultural genocide toward Native Americans? Why was assimilation so important in relation to American Indians at a time when other ethnic minorities were segregated? How did Native Americans...

What Historical Event Would You Like to Witness in the Past, Present, or Future

If you could witness a historical event (past, present, or future) first-hand, what would it be, and why? Think about the power behind time-traveling through history and witnessing an event with your own eyes. History has been shaped by countless events that have led to where we are today. Think...

The Concept of ”Women’s Work” in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century

What was considered ”women’s work” in the first half of the nineteenth century? Explain what was considered ”women’s work” in the first half of the nineteenth century in America. What professions, if any, were readily available to women, and how did some individuals help push these boundaries? What were the...

Reasons Behind Going to the Crusade

What are the reasons you think why people went on the Crusade? Scholars and popular culture continuously debate the reasons why people went on Crusade. Some argue that the Crusades were nothing more than an attempt to steal land and wealth from Muslims, and they point to the actions of...

Cause and Effects of Events Related to the 1967 Referendum

To what extent was the 1967 referendum a turning point in the indigenous struggle for civil rights? Analyze the causes and effects of events and developments related to the 1967 referendum and justify an argument relating to its significance. You need to consider the concept of change and continuity related...

Daily Interaction between Native Americans and English Colonies

In what ways are Native Americans part of everyday life in the mature English colonies? This is an analysis that is based on primary source documents. You must use a minimum of three different primary sources from the 1700s. Provide a broad range of evidence in support of arguments. Take...

Asking “What If” Questions About the Salvation Religions

Playing “what if” with salvation and religions sounds easy. Would any of these “what ifs” have led the world down a radically different path, or would the path be closely parallel to the one we have already followed? What if Constantine had converted to Mithraism, the religion of much of...

The American Economic Experience from 1865 to 1928

Consider the American economic experience from 1865 to 1928. Examine the US economic history from 1865 to 1928. Pick one decade (any ten years) and explain why it was probably the most significant decade in this 63-year period on an economic basis (using your own significance criteria). Why significant? Explain...

Example of Freedom From Colonial North America

Did English settlement in colonial North America provide the world with a shining example of freedom? If so, for whom and how? And if not, why not, and according to whom? Answer this question, and in the process, account for the perspective and experience of at least four of the...