Best Rating Questions

From experienced academic experts. In any field of study

What are some linguistic milestones for early childhood?

By the end of the first year of life, a baby should recognize his/her name. The child should also be in a position to understand simple instructions and appreciate words as symbols for things. As part of speech development, the child should be able to imitate popular sounds. By the...

What are some behavioral opportunities to reduce risk of being bullied or bullying?

Developing friendships is among the recommended ways of reducing the risk of turning into a bully or being targeted by bullies. Hygiene is also another behavioral opportunity that can be exploited to reduce the incidence of bullying. Individuals who subscribe to poor hygienic standards become easy targets for bullies. Regular...

Why is attachment important?

Attachment is important for growing children because it helps children develop the sense of security needed for one to grow into a healthy and productive individual. Secure children ultimately develop confidence and competence because they are encouraged to learn through exploration. Children who know that they have the backing of...

Why may it be so tough to build positive relationships with teenagers today?

Building positive relationships today may be tough for parents and guardians because the technical advancements, particularly the ones that foster communication, are creating a knowledge-gap that may be difficult to bridge. Teenagers today are exposed to a lot of things, which exposes them to more information than their parents can...

“Auto makers don’t want any one group owning too many dealers in one market because that would allow the chains to set prices and undercut the remaining independents.” Do you believe this argument? Why or why not?

Yes, I do believe in the argument because the prices set by a group of dealers apply to all dealers under the group wings, and as such, if the group is made up of dealers spreading the larger part of the market, then their price set cross cuts the whole...

Imagine that independent dealerships form an alliance to pool resources (like advertising) and share best practices so as to compete better against the larger chain dealerships. Is a coalition stable? Identify three risks that an independent dealership may face in such an alliance.

The dealership will be unstable because there is no common constitution and code of conduct governing the business for the alliance. The following risks may be faced by an independent dealer in a coalition; Already well-established dealers may face the risk of incurring advertisement costs to no gain and instead...

Why might entry by fashion houses into online retail increase rivalry?

It increases rivalry because there is worldwide access to one’s unique fashion designs by competitors when they are posted online, which depending on their marketability, may lead to various boutiques reproducing the same designs, which may result in the increased market rivalry. Also, in online boutiques, there is access to...

Why might entry by fashion houses into online retail decrease rivalry?

The entry of fashion houses into online retail means a reduction in brick-and-mortar stores in local markets. With fewer stores in a given local market, it means there is reduced market rivalry amongst those remaining stores providing ready wear services. Entry into online retail by fashion houses may make such...

Identify one key capability you believe is required for success in online sale of luxury goods. Do you think that this capability is likely to be a source of competitive advantage over other fashion houses or over other online retailers? Why or why not?

This is done by advertising the luxury fashion website on other websites commonly accessed by people and continuously updating the list of products on offer on the website. Especially the list of the top fashions on demand by the market. It is a competitive advantage over other online retailers because...

Name 5 innovation in which complementary assets played a critical role in determining winners in the race to capture profits from the innovation: simply name 5 innovation and explain about it just briefly.

SMS marketing is a recent innovation that required complementary assets in the form of mobile phone network services. Although entrepreneurs came up with requisite software, they had to work closely with telecommunication companies to ensure individuals can be accessed. Social networks are another innovation that largely depends on complementary networks...

Is the cell phone a disruptive technology? If so, to what?

Phone technology is, to a large extent, a disruptive technology. Increasingly, phone technology has changed the people use a phone and provided a new channel through which marketers approach the market. Different phone applications have been developed in the recent past that enables the use of the phone as a...

Can an innovation that is incremental to a firm be radical to its customers? Give examples, why is it important?

Innovation can be profitable to a company but have radical effects on the consumer. Radical innovations are the ones that normally have very extreme effects on customer experience. Contrarily, Incremental innovations often tend to change the customer experience in an awesome but gradual way. Incremental developments or innovations often work...

What is the relationship between the complementary assets model and familiarity matrix?

Both complementary asset model and familiarity matrix model are anchored on knowledge of technology and market awareness. When it comes to the familiarity matrix, the level of both industrial and market awareness, which form the basis for innovation, is a very important consideration. There must be an aptitude for the...

What is the difference between fixed cost and sunk cost?

Fixed costs are the invariable expenditure in a firm’s operations. In organizations, some costs do not change despite the change in productivity. For example, rent and insurance costs to a firm remain the same despite fluctuations in production. Sunken cost is the money already spent in operations, e.g., production of...

Why is it bad for a company to carry too much debt?

It’s very dangerous for a company to operate on too much debt because debts can easily lead to the death of a company. In case of a challenge in repaying the debts, the company goes under receivership or is taken over by the creditors. Secondly, debt capital is normally very...

Why has eBay performed so well? Perform a seven C’s analysis of eBay.

eBay has performed well due to its successful strategy of involving consumers in its operations. They also performed well due to cutting advertisement costs and personalizing advertisements, which aided in expanding their market. Through a program that allowed for customer’s giving their feedback and being rewarded for feedback, the organization...

Discuss how in an organization, diffusion of responsibility and conformity can lead people to act unethically.

Maintaining ethics in organizational decisions is critical for a firm to retain its positive reputation and build a loyal customer base. However, when underestimating the significance of a strong and well-developed organizational ethic system, one is likely to experience difficulties complying with the set business ethical standards. Diffusion of responsibility...

Compare consequentialist and non-consequentialist theories outlining an advantage and disadvantage of each in the context of ethics at the workplace.

The phenomenon of ethics in the workplace can be approached from several theoretical standpoints. These ethical theories are divided into two key types, which are consequentialist and non-consequentialist theories. As the name suggests, consequential theories evaluate the ethical potential of a specific decision based on the effects that it produces....

Explain the complexities of addressing sexual assault in the legal system. What are the problems with the current system? If modifications should be made, where and why? If not, why not?Are there other necessary conversations or considerations necessary?

The problem of sexual assault in the legal system requires its detailed analysis because, in many cases, this problem is not discussed in society openly. Thus, there are certain complexities that are associated with the analysis of this phenomenon because of its controversial nature. Among the variety of weaknesses in...

Briefly describe conception as a development concept, why it is interesting or made an impact on you, and how you might use this development concept in your family life or career.

The process of conception is a highly regulated and intricate topic, which makes it more interesting to explore and study. Ovum fertilization is carried out in the fallopian tube. The egg is surrounded by many sperm cells, each of which wants to penetrate it, but only one succeeds. In this...

Briefly describe emotional development as a development concept, why it is interesting or made an impact on you, and how you might use this development concept in your family life or career.

I learned that emotions help the child to adapt to a particular situation, participate in the formation of social interactions and attachments. They affect future human behavior, contribute to social and moral development. Raising a child’s responsive, humane, sensitive attitude to other people, which becomes his/her inner impulse, a property...

Briefly describe identity development as a development concept, why it is interesting or made an impact on you, and how you might use this development concept in your family life or career.

I always wondered if it is possible for parents to build healthy and stable relationships with their teenage children. Due to this course, I learned that in forming the personality of a teenager, the parent should rely on the emotionally colored desire, which is extremely characteristic of the teenager, to...

Briefly describe aging brain as a development concept, why it is interesting or made an impact on you, and how you might use this development concept in your family life or career.

Today, more and more people are interested in various aspects of older age. Although the issues of achieving maximum life expectancy, longevity, concern humanity for a very long time, only in recent decades has the development of medicine reached such a level that increasing life expectancy has become a real...

Research and explore the theatre theatre, Mabou Mines.

Mabou Mines is a famous experimental theatre “generating original works and re-imagined adaptations of classics.” A group of artists – David Warrilow, Lee Breuer, Ruth Maleczech, JoAnne Akalaitis, and Philip Glass – established this company in 1970 and created the first piece, “Red Horse Animation.” Since then, they have produced...

How does the work of the Mabou Mines theatre company exemplify our understanding and concept of theatricality as explored thus far?

Mabou Mines’ plays cover all the aspects of the concept of theatricality, which involves extra-textual (extra-verbal) aspects of the performance, artists’ gestures and behavior, music, etc. Furthermore, it is connected with the general crisis of the word, on the one hand, and representation in the conditions of total mediatization, on...

What is the Mabou Mines theatre company’s mission statement?

Mabou Mines seeks to create original works or variations of classics. This theatre combines different genres and styles to generate unique masterpieces and provides fruitful collaborations among its members and contemporary foreign producers, composers, musicians, choreographers, novelists, and other performance artists. Mabou Mines encourages the next generations of artists to...

What might be the next project of the Mabou Mines theatre company? Why?

Taking into consideration the repertoire and the concept of Mabou Mines, their next project may be an adaptation of a classic piece, for example, Goethe’s one as they have already created the variation of Faust, which is very successful, and nowadays problems risen in this play are still relevant. Besides,...

What specific strategies can a mother of a 16-year-old boy use to help her son make better decisions? From what you have learned about human development and self-regulation, why do you think these strategies will be effective?

The fact that the mother has substantial control over the environment in which her son lives provides her with opportunities to help him make better decisions. She might try to send him to a different school where the peer influence will not be as negative. Another option is to provide...

Use brain plasticity (neuroplasticity) to explain how an older man can start to develop a growth mindset. What can he do to actually change his brain so that he can adopt a growth mindset approach?

To change his mindset, an older man needs to look at the situation from a different perspective. The man might tell himself that although he is not ready for the test yet, reading and preparing for it will certainly increase his chance of passing. It is very important to stop...

Suggest at least three study strategies that an older man can use to study for the compliance test. Based on what you have learned about memory, explain why these would be effective study techniques.

If an older man likes humor, it would be useful for him to use vivid, humorous mnemonic devices, which are effective because associations and emotional responses help memorize facts. Not to be overwhelmed by a large amount of information, the man might want to split it into small parts and...

At several points, Thomas Jefferson ascribes social and cultural characteristics to genetic origins. What are some examples?

Thomas Jefferson claims that people of other races are incapable of experiencing feelings and emotions to the extent white people do. It appears from his writing that the superiority of white men in intellectual and creative potential is genetically determined. Furthermore, Jefferson doubts the possibility for Africans to be emancipated...

Weigh in on this question from the website Was it ethical to do this study? Was it right to trade the suffering experienced by participants for the knowledge gained by the research?

The prison experiment conducted in 1971 by F. Zimbardo and his three colleagues from Stanford University became famous. He investigated the nature of violence and cruelty arising as a person’s reaction to the restriction of freedom in the conditions of the social role imposed on him. To study social psychology...

What effect would the Civil Rights Acts have across the continent on minority groups?

The Civil Rights Acts would have a tremendous impact on minority groups. They have banned discriminatory practices as applied to people belonging to different races, religions, nationalities, and sexes. Oppression was prohibited across all educational institutions, workplaces, and public accommodations. Therefore, it may be stated that the Acts have served...

Do you think that the tactics and strategies that civil rights activists used in the 1960s would apply to today’s racial and ethnic conflicts? Why or why not?

The tactics and strategies employed in the 1960s may be applied to managing today’s racial and ethnic conflicts effectively. The main aspect in that matter would be not to utilize a specific method of interacting with the conflicting sides but to apply the non-violent approach promoted by Martin Luther King,...

Do the ideas of the 1960s still have relevance today? If so, how? If not, why not?

The ideas of the 1960s remain relevant for the present day. The country and its citizens have made significant progress in combating racial and ethnic discrimination; nevertheless, the aftermath of decades of oppression may still be observed in society. Minorities are experiencing issues with equal access to services, and police...

Analyze how the Civil Rights Movement would impact diversity in America today.

The Civil Rights Movement would impact diversity to a great degree. It would help in deepening racial and economic desegregation across educational institutions, especially in terms of teachers and leaders. In addition, the Movement would potentially assist in closing achievement gaps that were caused by unequal opportunities. All children and...

How can coal workers’ pneumoconiosis create a mismatch between ventilation and perfusion? Use your understanding of alveolar dead space and physiologic shunt to explain your answer.

Coal Workers’ Pneumoconiosis (CWP) is characterized by disturbances in gas exchange, which is the direct result of the mismatch between perfusion and ventilation. Alveolar dead space refers to the sum of the volumes in those alveoli that have limited to no blood flowing through their adjacent pulmonary capillaries. Put simply,...

Individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have more difficulty exhaling than inhaling. Why is this so?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) refers to a type of obstructive lung disease that is characterized by difficulties in long-term breathing and airflow issues. Common symptoms of the disease include limitations in breathing, wheezing, cough, as well as sputum production. The most widespread cause of COPD’s development is the exposure...

In general terms, what mechanisms in lung disease can affect diffusing capacity across alveolar membranes? Use the Fick law to explain your answer.

Diffusing capacity represents a measure of how efficiently can carbon dioxide and oxygen can get diffused between the lungs and the blood. It is often used for testing the diagnosis of COPD and other lung diseases for monitoring and treating. Diffusing capacity can be reduced in multiple ways, and healthcare...

Evaluate the presence and effects of alteration in the homeostatic state secondary to gender, genetic, ethnic, and temporal variables.

As related to gender, genetic, ethnic, and temporal variables, it is also expected to witness some alterations in the homeostatic state. For example, as mentioned by Wang and Xu, sex-related differences exist when it comes to the regulation of homeostasis within the population. Sex hormones and related chromosomes affect the...

List, define, and share applied examples of the marketing eras or orientations.

Modern scientists define several marketing eras or orientations:The Production Era: products should be inexpensive and available everywhere. Marketing efforts are based on securing the broadest possible distribution. The standard example of applying this era is the Ford Motor Company with its manufacturing system where workers specialized in particular tasks. As...

In a few paragraphs, please explain how the periodization of marketing eras could be understand as an evolution of marketing thought. What are the key themes of change throughout the eras?

The periodization of the marketing eras allows seeing what was happening during the period in which an era or concept was born. Every era has characteristic features and contains times of effectiveness and failure. There were many attempts in each of the periods to improve the existing market and to...

Respond to the following statement: Plans in and of themselves are not especially useful; however, the planning process is invaluable. Do you support or refute this statement?

The given statement is such: “Plans in and of themselves are not especially useful; however, the planning process is invaluable.” This statement can be supported because of several reasons, and the main ones will be listed. First, it is true that plans are not always especially useful, as is said...

How do stakeholders of airline travel figure into the overbooking strategy?

Nowadays, overbooking is a common practice in many areas, including air travel. Such situations can occur for various reasons and depend on the actions of several stakeholders, such as the airlines themselves, customers, governments, and others. Undoubtedly, air carriers play a significant role in the overbooking strategy. They “accept the...

What strategic choices do airlines need to make in regards to overbooking?

Airlines are to take some measures at least to minimize the negative consequences of overbooking. Hence, they often face the choice of the right action under certain conditions. Initially, the company is to decide whether it will use the overbooking practice or not. If it chooses to follow this strategy,...

How could overbooking policies in airline travel be revamped and improved upon?

Firstly, air carriers need to improve their analytics and revenue management. To do this, they are to analyze all the circumstances in which the client can refuse the flight or can be bumped involuntarily, as well as the negative consequences for the passenger and time delays. Based on these data,...

For the following claims, write one paragraph identifying the logical flaw: It would be wrong to prosecute Allied for age discrimination; Allied has always been a great corporate neighbor.

Being a variation of the ad hominem logical fallacy, the appeal to one’s friendly nature and personal qualities to defy the evidence of their questionable actions is a very common misjudgment. In the case under consideration, the narrator makes an ad hominem statement by referring purely to their experience of...

For the following claims, write one paragraph identifying the logical flaw: The decrease in smoking can be attributed to increased restrictions on smoking in public.

The case under analysis represents a logical flaw defined by the disruption in the cause-and-effect relationship. Known as the post hoc fallacy, or the problem of correlation versus causation, the logical flaw is quite evident in the false assumption that two phenomena following each other are intrinsically related. At this...

For the following claims, write one paragraph identifying the logical flaw: Bill Jensen’s proposal to create an on-site daycare center is just the latest of his harebrained schemes.

The argument provided above falls apart on further scrutiny due to an apparent logical problem in it. It assumes certain information about a person that paints the person in question in an unfavorable light and then concludes that, therefore, anything that this person proposes is illegitimate. Thus, two logical fallacies...

For the following claims, write one paragraph identifying the logical flaw: Since the introduction of cola drinks at the start of the 20th century, cancer has become the second-greatest killer in the United States. Cola drinks should be outlawed.

Attempting at drawing connections between several events that occur in succession is always fraught with threats to logical correctness. Known as the post hoc or faulty causality argument, the type of claim exemplified above suggests that a connection exists between two irrelevant phenomena. The fact that cancer became a number...

For the following claims, write one paragraph identifying the logical flaw: If mutual fund guru Peter Lynch recommends this investment, I think we ought to buy it.

The described statement might seem valid in some circumstances, yet, when considered through the lens of logical argumentation, it becomes evident that the statement contains a logical fallacy. Specifically, the use of the ad hominem claim makes a claim logically unsound. By appealing to a single person as an authority,...

For the following claims, write one paragraph identifying the logical flaw: We should not go into the flash memory market; we have always been a leading manufacturer of DRAM (dynamic random access memory) products.

Failing to represent a logical connection between two statements, the argument above is logically invalid. The fact of being the leading manufacturer of DRAM does not imply that a company should not expand into a different market. The two facts, which are the expansion into a new market and the...

For the following claims, write one paragraph identifying the logical flaw: The other two hospitals in the city have implemented computerized patient record-keeping; I think we need to do so, too.

Claiming that a specific decision that has worked for other people or organizations will also work for the person or organization under discussion can be characterized as a fallacy based on the appeal to authority. The logical flaw in the question implies exemplifying a particular case without considering the unique...

Describe how you could use confidence intervals to help make a decision in your current job, a past job, or a life situation. Include a description of the decision, how the interval would impact the decision, and how data could ideally be collected to determine the interval.

Everyday use of the concept of confidence intervals that I can think of is buying clothes. It is common knowledge that sizing is often arbitrary and depends on the company. Sometimes, however, I think it is neither negligence nor malicious intent. People come in many shapes and sizes, and it...

Describe how you could use regression analysis to help make a decision in your current job, a past job, or a life situation. Include a description of the decision, what would be the independent and dependent variables, and how data could ideally be collected to calculate the regression equation.

I could think of one way of using a simple linear regression model to help me make better health choices. Some time ago, I stumbled upon a piece of research that showed that regular exercise correlated with better sleep quality. While it is now pretty established that physical activity improves...

In his speech on Independence Day of 1852, what were Douglass’s feelings toward the Declaration of Independence? To what degree was he or was he not an American patriot?

In his speech, Frederick Douglas claims that he sees Independence Day as the day of great injustice because only white people have rights and liberties in the US. He believes that the Declaration of Independence is fiction, as its principles do not apply to black people. Douglas blames Americans for...

Fitzhugh says in closing of “A Defense of Slavery,” “The Southerner is the negro’s friend, his only friend.” Fully evaluate this statement. To what degree did Fitzhugh hold sympathetic views toward African Americans? To what extent would African Americans welcome his sympathy?

By saying that southerners are the only friends of black people, Fitzhugh once again stresses that slavery is the best option for them. Those who want to free them actually do not think about the consequences of this for slaves. Fitzhugh believes that they can only exist under the supervision...

In John Keats’ poem “La Belle Dame Sans Merci,” the knight is on the cold side of the hill, and the girl lives in an elfin’s grotto. Explain how the setting in this poem reflects the frame of mind of the main characters.

The setting of the poem showcases the juxtaposition of the two main characters. The cold hill and the bleak landscape around reflect the demeanor of the knight. He is pursuing his path alone with no one to accompany him. He may not even be knowing where he is going –...

The romantics enjoyed sublime experiences. The sublime is an experience that combines joy and fear like being on a roller-coaster. Meeting John Keats’ “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” is a sublime experience. Explain.

Sublime experience is always controversial: a person comes into contact with something equally beautiful and scary. The woman in “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” is so beautiful that it is intimidating. Besides, it is not clear where she comes from – after all, not a lot of women live alone...

Explore the World Values Survey (WVS). Specifically, discuss the range of questions asked on the WVS, explore how and why questions are worded in specific ways, and find questions that have value in public safety.

World Values Survey (2012) is an excellent example of a well-organized paper that is consistent in design and format. Most questions are understandable, and instructions are easy to follow. Since the survey is rather sizable and aims at describing a complicated concept, some items are hard to comprehend. Therefore, in...

Discuss differences of mental health treatment in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Ayurvedic, and allopathic approaches.

TCM-based therapies can be offered to patients suffering from anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and other conditions associated with mental health. One of the primary approaches this type of medicine uses is scalp acupuncture. In Ayurveda, herbs, including brahmyadiyoga and tagara, are utilized as mental health treatment. Within allopathic approaches, mental...

The Supreme Court made several important decisions in the late 1800s in regard to industry. What was the significance of these rulings, and how was the Court defining freedom?

The decisions issued by the Supreme Court in the late 1800s produced the foundation for the development of democratic principles based on which the current American legal system was developed. Therefore, taking retrospect into the nature of these decisions to grasp their weight for American society is essential. The law...

What is the main argument the author is making in “Glutton Intolerance”? List three elements of support used by Daniel Engber.

In his article “Glutton Intolerance,” Engber argues that overweight people often face discrimination in society, and educating fat people about their excess weight might be quite counterproductive and have serious consequences. First of all, obesity might lead to the persistence of prejudices in the working environment because it can cause...

A community organization has decided to launch a campaign that aims to eradicate high blood pressure through a comprehensive program of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. How might statistical reports on the incidence, prevalence, morbidity, and mortality of high blood pressure in the target community be helpful in planning a comprehensive prevention program? What are the potential limitations of using such reports for assessing and addressing the health care needs of a community?

The reduction of high blood pressure rates is crucial for the prevention of related cardiovascular diseases. According to Ettehad et al., elevated blood pressure is the leading cause of death and disability. That is why the importance of effectively implemented preventive programs can hardly be overestimated. The use of statistical...

A community organization has decided to launch a campaign that aims to eradicate high blood pressure through a comprehensive program of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. Outline a plan that includes possible activities that could be included in the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention arms of this program.

At the primary stage of prevention, I would initiate educational clubs for the community members where people would learn about the causes and outcomes of elevated blood pressure. For secondary prevention, I would promote and spread printed means containing information concerning the early signs of high blood pressure with the...

Which current challenges in health care are primary drivers of HIS adoption in the United States? How might HIS initiatives help the US health system address these issues?

Health Information Systems are among the highest priorities for the healthcare industries. The government and the healthcare organization members such as physicians, nurses, and patients call them for the complete implementation of HIS to provide Americans with better “quality and efficiency of health care.” The significant challenges, which the US...

What are the key steps in the progression of HIS according to the HIS conceptual model? What is the relationship between the various layers?

Health Information Systems include several components, which are systems and their management, health informatics, data and analytics, research, policy, and public health. Balgrosky claims that systems “that create and capture data serve as the foundation upon which all other information- and data-related capabilities depend.” As for health informatics, it involves...

What are the primary uses of HIS? What are the secondary uses of HIS? Which of these can best help the US healthcare system improve?

Primary uses of HIS initiatives include support of delivery and management of patient care, administrative activities and transactions, and connections between patients, providers, and data. Secondary uses of data consist of informatics and data analysis, research, policy and public health, submission or reporting of data to third parties that are...

What does the Third Amendment say at its core?

The Third Amendment does not allow the quartering of soldiers in the civilian-owned property during peacetime, except with the permission of the owner. During times of war, it allows quartering only within the limits of the existing laws.